Below is a speech I wrote for my introductory communications class. I gave it this last Thursday and let me tell you the response was very interesting.
To set the mood, I live in Boise, Idaho and I came into class with a nice pair of slacks, a nice shirt, dress shoes, a tie, and combed and parted hair. I didn't give them a disclaimer, so I won't give you all one either.
Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you to call your attention to a growing threat to our nation. As a concerned citizen with ties to the religious community, I feel it is my duty, my solemn obligation to open your eyes to one of the problems facing the American family today. Marriage, ladies and gentlemen, is the fundamental unit of our society. As all of you know, especially the guys in the room, this is how we prove to society that we own a particular woman, as God intended. Marriage today, however, is far different than it used to be.
In the small amount of time I have, I will trace the roots of marriage from the beginning to today, not starting with the paganistic and immoral marriages of the Greeks or the Romans in which women were more equal to men, but starting from the Godly times after the death of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. I will tell you about the homosexual filth that is attempting to remake our marriage laws and why they should be stopped at all costs, and finally, I will tell you a little of what you can do to send the message to these heathens that we as upright Christian moralists will no longer allow their perversions to corrupt us.
In medieval times, after the death of our beloved savior, one white woman and one white man were joined as husband and wife only after their parents decided that they should be. Any property the woman owned going into the relationship automatically became her husband’s, as God intended, and once married that was it, there was no possibility of divorce. This, ladies and gentlemen, was the original definition of marriage (Glenda)(Marriage).
The first wrong we as a society allowed to be perpetrated on this nation was the ungodly ruling from a Massachusetts court in 1639 allowing a man and a woman to divorce (Riley). Unlimited divorce for pleasure’s sake was later perpetrated on us by the California legislature in 1970 (Ryan). Then the feminists came, feminism being the only movement in U.S. History that started when women figured out how to put on shoes while they were pregnant and in the kitchen. Because of the pressure put on the court system and the legislature by the ungodly feminist movement divorce became and still is an unalienable right. Sadly, over 50% of today’s marriages end in divorce. If we want marriage to last as a binding commitment, we must do two things. First, we must ban divorce from our midst. Second if our wives refuse to acknowledge their place in God's society we'll just cut their feet off. They can still birth our children and cook our food, as God intended, but let them try to put shoes on stumps.
The second thing to weaken the foundation of marriage was the ungodly Supreme Court decision allowing interracial couples to marry. Historically, blacks and whites had been kept separate and we should have kept them that way. In fact, before the Satan worshipers on the court issued their decision, the Georgia Supreme Court in 1869 said that interracial marriages were unnatural and against God's law of nature (God created the races on different continents, therefore they weren’t meant to mix). Other courts said rightly that we should base marriage laws on tradition and interracial marriages had never been part of that tradition (Colbert). Society rightfully knew that allowing these unions would degrade conventional marriages, and ladies and gentlemen they have. We all know that to be the case.
It’s bad enough that we let those kinds of people, Mexicans and black folk alike, marry even each other in this country. I say we ban their marriages as we ban the homosexuals from marrying. If we do you can be guaranteed that the divorce rate in this country will drop to 10 or 15%. We won’t get 0% until we ban divorce entirely but I don't think God will be happy until the travesty of divorce goes into the dustpan of history anyway. Not only with marriages, foreigners are trying to corrupt the very fabric of our society. We should rally or congressmen to put a fence completely around this nation. Furthermore everyone who has ever migrated to the United States and their progeny should be put to death; that will show them.
The final horror that has been perpetrated on parts of this country, including Massachusetts, is homosexual marriage. What's next? Do we allow these people to visit each other in hospitals when they're sick? Do we give them the ungodly ability to inherit from their monogamous sex-partner-of-the-decade without having to jump through legal hoops? Do we let them cover each other with the insurance offered by the companies they work for without paying anything extra? I say no. They want to flout God's immutable law; they can do without all of the extras. I say we continue to use society's laws to make it as difficult as possible for them to live normal lives. When a man is left with no house, no car, no mementos of his life with the other person after his “partner” dies and his “partner's” family comes in and takes everything because the will was contested in court, we can all rest assure that God is pointing his mighty finger and laughing at him.
Those people want to marry for love, who needs that in this country? Historical marriages were based on what your parents wanted for you, not on love and not on anything else. If you didn’t love each other, well you learned to get along with each other really quickly. As long as we have survival of the species, as God intended, nothing else matters. Individual happiness doesn’t matter. In fact, as far as the homosexuals go we should just burn them all at the stake until they renounce their wicked and sinfully evil ways. If they repent before they die, maybe almighty God will have mercy on their souls. While we’re at it, let’s throw the Jews, the Mormons, the Catholics, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Quakers, the Presbyterians, the Lutherans, the Scientologists, the Shriners, the Baptists, the Confucionists, the Satanists, the Frotteurists, the Pentecostals, the Methodists, the Anglicans, the Zoroastrians, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Hare Krishnas, the Secularists, the Agnostics, the Atheists, and the Pagans into the same flames. We’ll have a Godly fumigation! That’s what you get for being part of the wrong religion.
So, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you’ve enjoyed the history lesson. I hope you see that our marriage laws must be protected from the soulless filth that is trying to remake everything we’ve worked so hard for. As far as what YOU can do about it. In the next election this state is voting on an amendment to Idaho’s constitution that will ban marriage for same-sex couples. If you want to be part of a Godly crusade that seeks to eliminate the slide into moral decay that leads to things like free choice and respect for all people regardless of who they are, then you will vote for this amendment.
If you'd rather see these Godless creatures marry for love and commitment in direct violation of what is generally held by God's true followers as biblical truth, then the rest of us will laugh at you from heavenly paradise while you roast in the deepest pits of hell.
Today we've begun with the homosexuals; tomorrow we target those with ungodly belief systems and then foreigners. Marriage, ladies and gentlemen, will be what tradition tells us it must be, and all who will be left in this nation will be those people who hold these truths to be self evident. We can do it; all it takes is baby steps.
Works Cited
“Marriage.” 7 Apr. 2006. Wikipedia. 5 Apr. 2006. <>King, Colbert. “Marriage in The March of Time.” 8 Apr. 2006. 12 Feb. 2005. p. A19.
<>Riley, Glenda. 7 Apr. 2006. “Divorce: An American Tradition.” Sunshine for Women. <>Ryan-Vollmar, Sysan. 7 Apr. 2006. “The Case for Same-Sex Marriage.” 27 June-3 July. 2003. Boston Pheonix. <>Zorn, Eric. “Marriage Issue Just As Plain As Black & White.” Chicago Tribune May 19, 1996. p. 4C1.