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Red Flags to Watch For: Tactics Being Used
to Promote Homosexuality at School
...and Silence Objections < Print >
Ready to do a little research? Here’s how to find out how much groundwork has been laid in your school system to facilitate acceptance of homosexuality-and, more frighteningly, to silence students, teachers, parents or voters who object.
Find out how many of the following activities and policies are being implemented in your school system:
1. A non-discrimination policy on “sexual orientation” for teachers and students.
It’s usually part of a bigger policy saying, “We do not discriminate based on race, religion, etc.” This policy will be used to label anything the activists don’t like-including too much emphasis on traditional families and heterosexuality-as “discrimination.”
2. An “anti-harassment” or “safe schools” program specifically on “sexual orientation.”
Claims to protect students from violence, but why dwell just on homosexuality? Conduct codes already exist. The real goal is to associate all objections with “hate” and “violence,” thus intimidating those who disagree into silence.
3. A homosexual club for students.
Students are trained to be activists who will talk to school boards, the media, etc. Meetings focus on rejection of traditional values, particularly religious beliefs that don’t accept homosexuality. “Straight” supporters may also attend and are encouraged to explore alternate sexuality. Students with same sex attractions will be supported if they begin this behavior.
4. Diversity or tolerance lessons to stop “homophobia.”
Such lessons equate acceptance of homosexuality with religious/racial tolerance. Many such programs are now in elementary schools. In reality, they portray traditional values ( and thus, parents and communities holding them) as “hateful.” Note: federal money supports these lessons! Through the “Safe and Drug Free Schools” section of federal education law, organizations can receive funds for developing and distributing so-called “tolerance” lessons These materials classify objections to homosexuality as “bigotry” just like racial prejudice. Many of these programs are blatantly anti-Christian, and oppose traditional values. (See Resources for more details.)
5. Pro-homosexual literature in libraries, & language and social studies classes.
The number of novels and storybooks has exploded in response to the demand created in schools; it would be impossible to list all the books being used. Most are “coming out” stories, or tales about children with homosexual parents. Middle and high school books are often very sexually explicit.
6. Special events: days of “diversity,”“pride” days, days of silence.
Organized by a handful of students and teachers, the whole school will be intimidated into going along. This tactic will soon move down into the elementary schools.
7. Diversity and “sensitivity” training for teachers.
This is done behind the scenes to make teachers support the agenda. Usually, no exceptions are available for teachers who have personal beliefs that differ.
8. AIDS speakers, “safe sex” education classes.
This was the first avenue into the schools. Validity of alternate “families” and sexual practices is often a basic assumption..
9. Hiring a staff “support” person for homosexual students
- who then becomes an internal monitor for the homosexual cause, and may even keep track of “hate speech” incidents.
10. Openly homosexual teachers and staff.
These are then role models, in-house activists, and possible confidants for students who want to start homosexual behavior. Student molestation becomes a real risk.
11. Liaison with community homosexual youth groups.
Ostensibly to “support” youth with same sex attractions, these groups welcome even 12 or 13 year olds, and parental notification is not required. Students socialize with older practicing homosexuals. Many schools refer students to these groups!
12. “Safe” zones throughout the school.
Usually symbolized by an inverted pink triangle, these are classes or counselors?? offices “safe” to discuss homosexuality, where no disapproval will be given. Sadly it’s those who facilitate this unsafe lifestyle, not those who disapprove, who present a safety risk.
13. Pro-homosexual counseling.
Counselors refer students to community groups without parental knowledge. The ACLU and other groups warn schools not to advocate heterosexuality as the norm in counseling students with same sex desires, nor to discuss the fact that many people have overcome homosexual feelings! Schools who tell students the whole truth are may face suits by these radical organizations! Can you believe that we actually have schools that won’t tell children heterosexuality is healthier than homosexuality? Yet how much money is going into these same schools for AIDS education? Is there something nonsensical about this picture?
:eyes: These people really think too much about sex. Don't theu have anything important to do... like raise their kids or volunteer for a charity? Oh wait. Stupid question. They're too busy promoting hate and discrimination. Silly, silly me. :crazy: