I don't think that they did get it, but I don't really think that you did either. There are really two issues involved here. #1 DODT and #2 Compulsory military service.
I am presuming that those in DU who are in favor of instituting a draft are also in favor of lifting the ban on gays serving in the armed forces. And I believe that an end to DODT would necessitate inclusion/tolerance training concerning gays and lesbians, as well as strict anti-harassment rules for members of the armed forces, to include harassment against gays/lesbians. I would like to point to a recent poll taken of members of the armed forces indicating that 1-they would like to see an end to DODT, and 2-a majority of them would be comfortable serving with gays and lesbians. That all being said, I believe that, of course, there will still be those in the military who will be uncomfortable with gays and lesbians and who may try to harass or attack them, and I also think that there will still be many gay and lesbian service members who will remain in the closet, even after a lift of the ban, as a result of those very fears. But I firmly believe that the only way to end discriminatory beliefs is to expose those who hold such beliefs to the people whom they are so afraid/hateful of. You can not combat ignorance by fueling it, which is what the DODT policy, which basically forces gay service members to be closeted, does. If there was to be a draft, I would support all people, regardless of sex, race, sexual orientation, etc., being a part of it.
Which leads me to the second issue that is involved here: compulsory military service. I understand why some people would want a draft. Right now we have young minorities and poor people who have enlisted because our society has left them with too few options in life, while the wealthy/middle class can afford not to enlist. This has lead to an unacceptable level of acceptance of our current war in Iraq. A draft would likely change public sentiment dramatically against this war (although, it seems that this has already happened). Which is exactly why the Bush Administration has not, and will not, call for a draft. They sold the American public on a cheap, fast, and relatively easy war. So while I can understand some people's call for a draft, I still could not support it. I do not support this war-period. A draft should only be instituted when absolutely necessary to protect our country from a direct and serious threat. A war should only be conducted for the same reason.
So there is my short answer. LOL. Seriously though, I understand where you are coming from. But I think that the only way to combat homophobia is by being open and honest about your orientation, even when it might be scary to do so. I served in the Air Force and quit because I realized that I could not live with myself being in the closet anymore. But I never feared for my safety, nor would I have if I had been allowed to be more open about who I am.