is more important that teaching how to have safe sex. Do the powers that be truly believe that if homosexuality is not mentioned, it will disappear? I read, from time to time, some inane drivel about a "homosexual agenda". How stupid they are.
I can remember 25 years ago, when my daughter's best friend, a teen-aged boy, struggled with the reality of being gay. It was summer, and school was out, and my daughter knocked on my bedroom door at around three in the morning, begging me to talk to him.
Ok, I was divorced, and my house was the neighborhood teen gathering place. I put on a robe, and went to sit outside on my patio, and listened to the anguish pouring out of this sweet young man. He had already suffered at high school, because the kids sensed that he was "different". Now, many years later, he remains a dear friend, but is in a stable, loving, relationship with another man.
No law, nothing that the moral majority, or all of the Pat Robertsons, or Jerry Falwells of this world, could say, would make him change. He is happy the way he is. He is living the life he was born to live. Our country can try to ignore, or condemn homosexuality, but it will be in vain.
My dear friend was born the way he is. He has no desire to change who he is. What we should do is to teach tolerance, and understanding, and let our children know that not everybody is the same. Not mentioning something will not alter facts, and will not make gays go away, or change.