I always keep my eye on new developments in the search to discover what makes a person gay and what makes a person straight. Partly because I want to be vindicated and turn to all those who say I "chose" to be gay, I want to hold up the proof for all to see.
However, another part of me knows what will follow. Once they discover what makes us gay they will search for ways to make us straight. They will search for the "cure for homosexuality". In the end finding some gene that marks you as gay will mean nothing. I don't want to be cured because I'm not sick.
I don't think many straight people realize just how much their sexual orientation ties into their own personal identity. I don't think they realize that their sexual orientation shapes how they view themselves and others. As someone who grew up in a small town in the southern portion of Virginia I was very much aware of what it was like to be different. I went through the phases that a lot of small town gay kids go through, including depression and thoughts of suicide. I got to feel the most horrible feelings that any Human being could ever be forced to feel: abandonment, isolation, and self-loathing. I eventually grew to accept who I am, and am a stronger person for my experiences. My experiences growing up and being different has helped shape my view of the world including but not limited to my views on politics and religion. Being gay is a central part of who I am, who I was born as, and who I was meant to be.
Do I really want to "cure" that? Do I want to rip away my very identity so that I can settle in with the rest of the masses? Some straights might say, "Don't you want to be normal, like everyone else?" My reply to that is simply: "I am normal. I am your equal if not your better in many ways." It was my experiences growing up, my being gay, that has made me who I am today. It opened my eyes to so many things I would have otherwise been blind too. If being their version of "normal" is all that they can offer then I don't have any use for it.
A worse thought, still, is early detection of homosexuality before birth. I shudder to think how many mothers would have abortions of their children simply because they were gay, and I can't help but wonder if the anti-abortion religious right would sanction such abortions as being "okay".
I imagine young teenagers, like I once was, going to the doctor in secret telling them that they are gay and asking for "the pill". It would no doubt make their lives easier to simply take a pill, to erase away who they are -- who they were meant to be -- but is it the right thing to do? I can't help but feel as if I am becoming an endangered species. We're hunted and persecuted everywhere we go, even the places that we believe safe are not truly safe, and perhaps in our children’s lifetimes we will see a pill that could erase us from existence entirely.
The pressure to take the pill will no doubt be tremendous. Those who do not take it will no doubt be persecuted, and then the religious right will feel justified in telling us that we "chose" to live as gay people because we "chose" not to take the pill.
Despite all of the above I am still deeply divided. I believe in allowing personal freedom and choice. Who am I to deny a gay person who wants to be straight the right to make that choice? Just because I know it isn't right for me, doesn't mean it isn't right for them. I have the same views on abortion, if I were a woman in the situation I don't believe I could have one. If I was the father of a child and the woman wanted to have an abortion I would object, even if it meant raising the child alone. Although, I don't believe that I have the right to make that decision for someone else: It's a personal right. A personal choice. I do not believe life starts at conception, but I know where conception ultimately leads to. It's something a person has to live with the rest of their life.
Regardless of that stance, I find it hard to form the same one on the possibility of a "cure" for homosexuality. Is it because I don't believe that there is anything wrong with being gay? Is it because I believe that (most) gay people are ultimately more enlightened than straight people? Or is it because I fear pressure from those who've taken the pill, or persecution from those who demand that I be "normal"? Or is it because I know if such a pill was offered to me when I was 13 or 14 years of age that I would have taken it without a second thought?
To be honest, the argument may be moot. I don't know if you could take a pill or go through some type of gene therapy that could alter such a thing as sexual orientation. However, who's to say what can happen in the years to come? Many of us may be in our late 40's to early 70's by the time we are faced with such a decision. However, there seems to be a push in the gay community to find this "gay gene", and I have to wonder... Should we support it?
I would also be interested in knowing how you feel about the prospect of a "cure" for homosexuality. Would you take "the pill" if it were offered to you?
It was this
article that got me thinking on all of this and I thought I'd share.