Lucille Balle wasn't a man dressing up as a woman. She was a female comedienne who represented the mores of her era. I don't get the comparison with her, frankly. She has nothing to do with Rudy, she was a contemporary of Berle, but the only reason I brought him up (you apparently don't realize this) is that he routinely wore women's clothing in his act (and he was said to be quite the swordsman, too, if you believe the stories).
Actually, Lucy was considered very "ballsy" (pardon the expression, it was acceptable back in her day) for a woman of her time--when women were staying at home and cooking, she was doing it all--having kids, creating the first major multi-program TV production company, developing, with her (philandering and drunken) husband, the three camera system that is STILL in use today, and setting up a powerhouse studio, in addition to starring in films. It wasn't easy for her--she battled stereotypes in every aspect of her business life, and she had to put up with a weak, unreliable, cheating and disrespecting partner, too.
I think Lucy is hilarious. I did way back when, I still do now. Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory, VITAMEATAVEGAMIN, or her making pizza and wine in Italy, those are classics. She had a tough life, and she overcame a lot of grief and woe. She wasn't always as cheerful off stage or screen, but like I said, she had a tough life.
The 'blackface' analogy is lame, too. People don't wear blackface because they'll be pummelled for doing it. It's inappropriate in this era.
But people do, in this era, wear the clothing of the opposite sex, and they do it often enough that there are businesses that accomodate the practice, clubs that meet to discuss it, and people who live their lives wearing the clothes of the opposite gender--MSNBC did a whole special on it some time ago. Some do it because they have an absolute compulsion to do it, some do it as a costume, and some do it for other reasons--it makes them happy, apparently.
I gotta ask--do you get equally upset when women wear men's clothing? We see that in the street every day. And on TV, too. Should we go after the women who "dress like men?"
Which of these are males, and how many of them should we punish? you hung up on Deuteronomy 22:5, or what?, Rudy has his own reasons for wearing women's clothing. I wouldn't be surprised if it gives him some sense of satisfaction, and the only way he gets to really enjoy himself in public, owing to his public profile, is to camp it up.
I personally don't like the guy, and thus I am overjoyed that his little 'habit' will make some of the tighty righties look askance at him, but to assume his costumes are an expression of 'wimmen hatin'' is just WAY too much of a stretch for me to buy.
If I were betting, I'd say he dresses up just a little too much, suggesting to me, if anything, that it gives him a whole lotta personal joy that he disguises as 'good sportsmanship.' Maybe he likes Judy Nathan so much because they wear the same shoe size, who knows?
And frankly, I don't care what people wear, so long as they cover the parts that have potential to stain the furniture, out of simple common politeness. They can paint their faces, tattoo their heads or anything else they choose, dye their hair pink, pierce anything and everything, who gives a damn.
It's all just a sad cry to be NOTICED, to stand out, to be special, at the end of the day.
I'm sure as hell not the fashion police in my old age.
Rudy's costumes aren't what bug me about him--frankly, he makes a better looking woman than he does a man; his lousy leadership style and abrupt, rude and intolerant nature are what I find problematic.