Or more to the point, we're done hoping for anything.
We've got domestic partnership rights in California, which is damned nice -- but there are fundie and radical-conservative forces trying desperately to get them overturned and outlawed.
We have roughly half the states in the Union passing laws to make sure my wife and I are never accorded legal status within their boundaries.
Some, like Virginia ("VA is for Haters") take it a step further and would nullify even our attorney-created paperwork granting such rights as medical decision-making, simple Wills, and power-of-attorney.
Meanwhile, the President and the rest of his fascist GOP friends have made it clear they'd love to enshrine this little steaming nugget of discrimination in the Constitution of the U. S. of A.
We did the San Francisco thing last year. It was great, and we have that lovely piece of paper, our marriage license, as a souvenir showing that we stood up to be counted. We are among the nearly 4000 same-sex couples who wed during that time.
Before then, we signed up for the Domestic Partnership registry in California the same week it went into effect. We have that certificate, too.
But the fundies and rad-cons are screaming that we're not allowed to be a couple, not a 'real' family in the eyes of their angry, gay-hating God. An abomination not to be tolerated, but rather to be shoved violently back into the closet... or better still, trucked off to reorientation camps, where we can be cleansed of our unholy desires for those sharing a matching set of chromosomes.
Frankly, I'm sick of the bastards. Sick of them trying to push their selective morality onto me. Sick of their selective buffet-style reading of barbaric Old Testament laws. (Anyone up for stoning the shellfish eaters? And men who cut their temple hair and shave their beards? And I can't remember the last time I saw a proper tassel, but those worn by my Orthodox Jewish friends...) Sick of their demands for special rights for heterosexual couples, and pretending this isn't discriminatory towards everyone else (including any unmarried people, in my considered opinion).
Sick of the hypocrisy of saying that because we can't breed with each other, we're not deserving of equal protection under the law. This argument in particular is the most appalling.
Why hypocrisy? Because by that rationale, the elderly, the infertile, and those who simply choose not to have babies ought to be denied marriage rights, too. And for that matter, gays and lesbians are perfectly capable of having babies. Just not with each other. And since when does a so-called 'illegitimate' child nullify a marriage, before or even after the case?
Sometime this year, we're probably going to take a trip to Vancouver. While we're there, we're going to marry. And since Canada is a sensible, progressive country that actually has an ounce of compassion towards its minorities, I actually have some hope that the marriage will be a legal and lasting one.
And if we like it well enough, we may just move on in. Provided Canada doesn't mind immigrants from a nation as regressive, intolerant, and bigoted as the United States of America.