I received the following e-mail from a friend with the National Stonewall Democrats today and wanted to pass it along for everyone's information and/or comments. I was hoping to find a link to this info, but apparently it hasn't been posted to the LGBT Outreach portion of the DNC's web site yet. It's a bit long, but with the moderator's indulgence, I hope I can post the entire statement:
Chairman Terry McAuliffe has strongly supported the inclusion of the GLBT community in the Democratic Party. We thank him for his steadfast leadership.
In anticipation of the upcoming DNC elections, the 17 members of the DNC's GLBT Caucus have identified the following priorities for candidates for Chair and all elected offices of the DNC:
1) A commitment to continue the progress being made under Democratic Leadership to ensure fair and equal treatment for all Americans and to stand behind the GLBT-inclusive planks of the 2004 Party Platform:
Defeating the Republican Federal Marriage Amendment: "We repudiate Bush's divisive effort to politicize the Constitution by pursuing a `Federal Marriage Amendment.'"
Fair Treatment of GLBT Families: "We support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits, and protections for these families."
Creating Safe Workplace Environments: "We will enact the bipartisan legislation barring workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation."
Opening the Armed Services to all Americans: "We believe all patriotic Americans should be allowed to serve our country without discrimination."
Fighting the scourge of HIV and AIDS: "We will work to ensure that people with HIV and AIDS have the care they need, and we will support the community-based prevention programs, built on experience with real life, that President Bush has cut."
Protecting GLBT Americans from Hate Crimes: "Hate crimes demean good people and desecrate sacred spaces. We support a strong national law that provides punishment for these crimes."
2) A commitment to continue the DNC's GLBT Outreach Programs: Whereas the GLBT community is now the second most loyal Democratic base vote in the party, turning out nearly 4 million votes (more than 6% of the total) for the Kerry-Edwards ticket and Democratic candidates around the country; and Whereas the GLBT community contributes millions of dollars each election cycle to Democratic candidates around the country, we hereby make the following requests to the new Chair and candidates for Chair, Vice Chair and other Party Officers.
1. More Inclusion at the State Level. Commit to and continue to enforce the Party's official rules ensuring GLBT and other "historically underrepresented" base groups full participation in all levels of party activity, including at the state level. The Chair will take specific steps to ensure that each state will submit to the DNC an outreach plan for the GLBT community, as currently required under Party rules;
2. Senior-Level Staff Position. Pledge to maintain and fund at least one full-time senior-level position of Director of GLBT Outreach at the DNC, whose primary responsibility will be policy and organizing;
3. More Representation on the DNC. Pledge to use all means at their disposal--including at-large seats at national and regional levels when necessary--to ensure a fair and reasonable representation of the GLBT community on the DNC no less than in proportion to our share of the 2004 Democratic Presidential vote, and also in the party convention(s) no less in number or proportion than our representation in Boston in 2004;
4. More Representation Among Staff and Consultants. Seek to increase the number of qualified GLBT people recruited to serve as field and political consultants at all levels of party activity, in the same way as with other minority and "historically underrepresented" groups;
5. Continue Increasing Number of Delegates to Convention. Commit to encourage by every means possible efforts on the national and state levels to recruit openly GLBT DNC members and delegates to the 2008 Presidential Nominating Convention.
6. Outreach Goals. Support recognition of the LGBT community in the Charter and Delegate Selection Rules, including providing for specific goals and timetables as part of an outreach program.
7. Increase Programmatic Activities of Caucus. Expand activities of the Caucus by such means as but not limited to: increased staffing, polling and research on how to motivate GLBT voters; money for the Director of GLBT Outreach to attend relevant national meetings; underwriting an annual national GLBT training conference for activists; specific commitments to start grassroots fundraising and mail efforts targeted to the GLBT community; appointments of qualified GLBT DNC members to party committees and commissions in consultation with the GLBT Caucus, in proportion to GLBT vote in the 2004 Democratic presidential election; support updating the official name of the Caucus to "LGBT-American Caucus" to reflect the true demographics of our community.
(signatories omitted for space)