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VA School Board Member Wants Schools To Promote 'Ex-Gay' Groups

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justin899 Donating Member (282 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-03-05 02:31 AM
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VA School Board Member Wants Schools To Promote 'Ex-Gay' Groups
A Fairfax County School Board member has sent letters to the district's 24 high school principals urging them to ensure that students hear the views of people who believe that homosexuality is a choice and a "very destructive lifestyle."

In a Jan. 30 letter, Stephen M. Hunt (At Large) asked the principals to host speakers with an "ex-gay perspective" and offer students, teachers and counselors literature provided by the conservative group Concerned Women for America and other organizations.

"Children are being taught that homosexuality is normal and natural. It is neither," Hunt wrote. "To state that it is normal or natural is to promote the myth that accompanies the homosexual activist rhetoric."

Hunt's letter, which was not reviewed by other members of the 12-person board before it was sent, sparked sharp rebukes from some other board members and Superintendent Jack D. Dale.

"Hunt said yesterday that he is concerned that students who do not support homosexuality may be afraid to speak up in school or labeled as intolerant." :eyes:

What is with Virginia and their politicians? Are they running some kind of program to lure homophobes to the state or something? It's something new every day with these people.

I feel sorry for gay teens in that state. Unlike adults they're stuck there until they're old enough to move.
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BlackVelvetElvis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-03-05 02:37 AM
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1. Something similar happened here awhile ago.

North Carolina School Superintendent Promotes Anti-Gay Religious Event
Friday, November 14 @ 06:13:02 CST

WASHINGTON - November 12 - A public school official in North Carolina violated the First Amendment when he encouraged his staff to attend a fundamentalist Christian presentation on homosexuality, Americans United for Separation of Church and State has said.

In a letter sent Nov. 10 to Don Martin, superintendent of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, Americans United said the principle of church-state separation was compromised when Martin encouraged administrators and principals in the district to attend a presentation that said conversion to Christianity can turn gays into heterosexuals.

“By promoting this event, you effectively sent the message that you and the School District on whose behalf you write are endorsing a religious perspective on a social issue and are encouraging other District employees to do the same,” Ayesha Khan, AU’s legal director, wrote. “While you are certainly entitled to hold your personal religious views (and to speak about them in your personal capacity, to members of your church, for example), the Constitution prohibits your use of your public position to advance them.”

Martin had sent an e-mail earlier this year to administrators and principals promoting an event by an organization called Living in Freedom Eternally (L.I.F.E.) Ministry. Joanna Highley, one of the group’s founders, was to speak at a local Presbyterian church about how Christianity can convert gays into heterosexuals. In his e-mail, Martin said Highley had “worked with a number of practicing homosexuals about returning to a heterosexual lifestyle” and that he would like “to encourage you to come hear about her program.…”

I have several gay friends who are teachers in this school system. They were disgusted and did not attend. I hear the attendance was low.
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BlackVelvetElvis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-03-05 02:39 AM
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2. a P.S.
"concerned women for america" a group that Phyllis Schaffley founded. I believe she had a gay son. How ironic.
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Sandpiper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-03-05 03:21 AM
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3. Speakers with overtly religious agendas do not belong in public schools
Edited on Thu Feb-03-05 03:22 AM by Sandpiper
Concerned Women for America couldn't be more theocratic if they tried.

Take your proselytizing somewhere else.
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renaissanceguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-03-05 09:40 AM
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4. They should talk about promoting myths.
I'm glad that some media are finally starting to grasp that this debate is not about SpongeBob... It's about teaching our kids tolerance. And these people are far from tolerant. Yeah, they talk about freedom... but they only mean freedom to be just like them.
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FaerieWizard Donating Member (19 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-04-05 12:04 AM
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5. I went through that school system . . .
Having gone to school in the Fairfax County system, I can say that in the 80s/90s they were not gay tolerant or positive at all. When students used gay slurs to attack me or others, the teachers never did a thing to stop it.

My cousin teaches in the system now, I haven't bothered to ask her if things have changed.

On a side note, I'm visiting my mother in Virginia now and saw this on the news tonight. They showed the letters sent to the principles and gave this guy Hunt's home address out as they were on the letter! I was tempted to write him, but may address my thoughts to the Washington Post instead.

~The FaerieWizard

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Egalia Donating Member (419 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-04-05 02:17 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. email the school board here

The hate just keeps coming.

At-Large Member, Stephen M. Hunt, 703-246-4779,
Chairman, Phillip A. Niedzielski-Eichner, 703-246-4783,
Vice-Chairman, Ilryong Moon, 703-246-4788,

All School Board members,
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MountainLaurel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-04-05 11:59 AM
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7. An update

The Fairfax County School Board issued a public reprimand last night to a member who sent a letter to high school principals urging them to ensure that students hear the views of people who believe homosexuality is a choice and a "destructive lifestyle."

After a unanimous vote and a nearly two-hour closed session that ended about 11, Board Chairman Phillip A. Niedzielski-Eichner (Providence) released a board statement criticizing the actions of Stephen M. Hunt (At Large).

snippity snip

Last night, Hunt apologized to the board, the principals, the staff and the community in a written statement and said he had "usurped board policy."

"The intent of my letter was to encourage an environment where there can be open discussion on this issue in order to foster understanding between people of different opinions in order to diffuse potential hostility that can result from the lack of that understanding," Hunt said in the statement. "I apologize . . . especially those of the homosexual community, that may have been given the impression that I do not respect their rights."

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