Not 30 seconds ago I posted how much I liked you and now you force me to say how very much I hate you!
I love Gertie Gertie Stein Stein. She is my heroine. My love for language is hers alone.
But now thanks to you, Dwick! You destroyer of contentment and ease, you hound of heaven (and how many got that reference? I'll bet none). I will have to go back and read ALL OF IT!.
Now I have to read (again for the umpteenth time!!!!!!) The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The Making of Americans, Tender Buttons, Paris France, and so much more.
I hate you Dwick, beyond reasoning. But I am not without kind and tender feelings for you also. Anyone who can make me read Miss Furr And Miss Skeene ( a must for every gay person everywhere) or The World Is Round (a must for anyone with good sense) once again can not be truly bad.
By mentioning this, you have required me to not waste so much of my time that forgiving you will be difficult, if not impossible.
(And if any of you have not read her work boys and girls... well you have not lived, have not understood, have not even imagined the heights you are capable of reaching.)
So damn you, Dwick! And I guess, thank you Dwick.