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Will the U.N. recognize "Gay & Lesbian Kingdom"?

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 07:31 AM
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Will the U.N. recognize "Gay & Lesbian Kingdom"?
(Sydney, Australia) Its a tiny coral island off the coast of Australia but it could become the center of a major battle at the United Nations.

Cato Island is technically part of territorial Australia. But, last year, after the Australian government passed a law banning same-sex marriage (story) a group of gay activists in a bid to embarrass the government, sailed out to Cato and planted the rainbow flag, declaring it to be sovereign territory

The group renamed the island the “Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands”. Dale Anderson, the group's leader declared himself emperor. But, the Australian government failed to blink.


The group is preparing to submit a case to the International Court of Justice arguing that under Australian law the "gay Tribe" is an “oppressed people, and the island is ruled by an overseas colonial power. That overseas power is Australia. The submission argues that under the UN charter the Gay Kingdom has the right to self determination.”


See also:

Australia Bans Gay Marriage

Official website of The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom

UN Drops Gay Civil Rights

Islamic Nations Threaten UN Gay Benefits Plan
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mermaid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 07:56 AM
Response to Original message
1. OH, GOD!!! I LOVE IT!!
Please tell me they let transgenders in, and how soon can I move there?? screw fighting and pulling teeth for rights here in the United Fucking States!!

I have been a longtime advocate for founding our own GLBT nation and let the straights all kill one another and gouge eyeballs and all that shit.

We don't even need any breeders for such a nation as WE will open our doors to all the weary, tired, oppressed people yearning to be free!!
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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I don't think anyone actually lives ON the island
Edited on Mon Feb-07-05 09:09 AM by IanDB1
But if they're recognized, they may be able to establish EMBASSIES all over the place which would be considered their sovereign territory.

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands offers a policy of automatic citizenship to gays and lesbians, similar to Israel’s right of return.

For further information on becoming a gay citizen and acquiring a gay passport please visit the Kingdoms High Court web site at

Gay Kingdom Declares War on Australia
Constitutional Crisis Averted in Coral Sea Islands

The Gay Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands was thrown into a constitutional crisis when the gay parliament voted earlier this month to declare war on Australia and the fledgling country’s monarch, Emperor Dale refused to sign the declaration or give it his royal assent.

Both the Emperor and the Chief Justice offered their resignation and parliament rejected both resignations for fear if the Emperor abdicated Australia could charge the entire gay government with treason and if the Chief Justice resigned the Kingdom’s case before the International Court of Justice would flounder.

The Gay Parliament apologized and expressed its sincere sorrow for the distress it had caused its Sovereign and Lord Chief Justice. The declaration of War did have the following effect, according to government sources in Cato:

■ Notification of acceptance and notification of the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949, were given to the Prime Minister of Australia John Howard, both directly and through the Swiss Federal Government. This is a ratified Law of Australia, and conveys the responsibility to Govern to the Occupying Power.

■ Therefore, by the Law of Australia, only the Gay Government is the Authority to Govern the Territory and the people of the Coral Sea Islands.

■ The one-week state of War, which was Officially declared, brought into effect the Law of War, under whose Sovereignty goes automatically to a State undefeated in a State of War.


Gay kingdom for Coral Sea

Sydney Star Observer
Issue 727
Published 19/08/2004

A “gay and lesbian kingdom” has been formed on a Coral Sea island in protest against the Australian government’s stance on gay marriage.
“The principal in law of ‘Unjust Enrichment’ is now applicable to this situation,” wrote the Emperor. “This law states ‘if something is unjustly taken then compensation must be made’ and Her Majesty’s law of Tort now fully applies. What has been taken from the homosexual people is our right to be treated equally, whether it be marriage, superannuation, hospital visits, adoption or IVF treatments.”
Anderson said he was not affiliated with any political group, although he is a paid member of Brisbane’s Pride committee and claims to be directly descended from homosexual British monarch Edward II. His appointment as emperor was “just that no one else would do it”, he laughed.
“It’s a bit hard to get there because there’s no harbour and you have to park the boat off the reef and wait for a wave,” Anderson said.


Google Search:

Google News Search:

Scattered over some 1 million square kilometres of ocean, the Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands were declared independent from Australia in 2004.
click to enlarge
They include numerous small islands and reefs scattered over the Coral Sea and are uninhabited except for the Gay Capital of Heaven located on Cato Island. Automated weather stations, beacons, and a lighthouse occupy many other islands and reefs. The total land area is less than 3 sq km.
The Parliament of the Gay Kingdom presumes that the Coral Sea Islands are not holdings of the Australian Government or the Commonwealth, as the Islands have never before been peopled until the gay migration in 2004.

The ceding of the holdings of the Coral Sea Islands from the British Crown to the Australian Government and the Commonwealths Coral Sea Islands Act of 1969 is dubious as no British or Australian flag has ever been raised in the territory, nor has there ever been any recording of anyone formally proclaiming the Coral Sea Islands as part of the British/Australian Crown. In fact historically the only flag to ever fly in the territory is the gay rainbow flag which was formally raised on Cato Island (the highest point in the 1 million square km territory) a plaque commemorating this historic event reads

"The Gay Kingdom
On the 14th day of June 2004. at this the highest point in the Coral Sea , Emperor Dale Parker Anderson raised the gay rainbow flag and claimed the Islands of the Coral Sea in his name as homeland for the gay and lesbian peoples of the world. God Save our King!"


Country Profile

The Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands is located in Oceania, in the timezone GMT 10. The country has boundary coastline of 3,095 (km).

The official currency of the Gay Kingdom is the Euro.

Major Urban Areas:
Heaven, no (other) major settlements.

Lowest Point: Pacific Ocean 0m
Highest Point: unnamed location on the Island of Heaven
(Cato Island) 6m.

The Island of Heaven, formally known as Cato Island.

Physical Features:
Sand and Coral reefs and islands.

Occasional tropical cyclones.

The Gay Kingdom was first administered as an overseas territory of England. In the 1960’s it was administered from Australia by the department of the Environment, Sport and Territories. In June 2004 it declared it’s independence from Australia and is currently the smallest Kingdom in the world.

Ports & Harbour:
None, offshore anchorage only.

Military – note:
The Kingdom has declared itself neutral, it does however have a small army of gay activist located around the world it can call on in times of emergency.

Diplomatic representation:
The Gay Kingdom has Consulates located in the major cities of most states and nations in the world. Most of the Consulates are located in the offices of the gay press (media/newspapers/magazines) of these nations.


Law of War

On the 13th of September 2004, the Gay Kingdom declared war on the Commonwealth of Australia.
Notification of acceptance and notification of the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949, were given to the Prime Minister of Australia John Howard, both directly and through the Swiss Federal Government. This is a ratified Law of Australia, and conveys the responsibility to Govern to the Occupying Power.

Therefore, by the Law of Australia, only the Gay Government is the Authority to Govern the Territory and the people of the Coral Sea Islands.

The 1 week state of War, which was Officially declared, brought into effect the Law of War, under whose Sovereignty goes automatically to a State undefeated in a State of War.

To apply for citizenship:

Gay Kingdom Photo Gallery:

Google Image Search:

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