Tuesday, February 08, 2005
GOP head Ken Mehlman again uses gays to bash Democrats
by John in DC - 2/8/2005 10:00:35 AM
Ken Mehlman, the head of the Republican National Committee, again resorted yesterday to gay-baiting Democrats for political gain.
In an RNC press release intended to discredit Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Mehlman's RNC made clear that the simple fact that a gay civil rights group endorsed Reid for re-election means that Reid is not fit for national service. Mehlman also had the RNC bash Reid for not supporting the federal Gay-Bashing Amendment to the Constitution.
After all, if the RNC thinks that being on good terms with homosexuals means one is not fit to hold high office in Washington, DC, then the public has a right to know exactly on what terms Mr. Mehlman, the head of the entire Republican Party, is with America's gay community. Not to mention, I've not found in any research a single statement from Mehlman on what HIS position is on the Gay-Bashing Amendment. He does a good job of stating the president's position, but since Mehlman is bashing Reid for not supporting the amendment, we certainly have the right to know, on the record, whether Mehlman personally supports the amendment.
Feel free to call the RNC and ask tell them that since they feel Senator Reid's relationships with the gay community are relevant, you want to know what Ken Mehlman's relationships are with the gay community as well: 202-863-8614
More RNC phone numbers
Ken's office: 202-863-8700
Other RNC phone numbers: 202.863.8500, 202-863-8747, 202-863-8743