As with most things in life, it depends on the situation. Those who say otherwise are doing so for purely ideological reasons.
In all likelihood, you're being a bit overprotective, which in the current state of GLBTQ acceptance is not all that uncalled for particuarly in certain types of company. If you feel you or him are in danger because of such a revelation, then it is best for the time being, until you can change the situation, to remain quiet about your relationship. I'm being practical not idealistic. The movement needs good people not dead heroes. Maybe at some point in the future, if you both feel more secure about your status in relation to your coworkers and society at large, then by all means, shout it from the roof tops.
If however, the concern you have is baseless, and as I don't know your particular situation I couldn't venture a guess, then by all means come out publically. Likewise, am I right to say that you are bascially out yourself? Then wouldn't it be obvious, at least to those who matter, that you are in fact seeing each other, regardless of if you officially tell them or not? So the act of telling would be inconsequential.
IMHO, do what you feel comfortable doing. It sounds like maybe you're just being a little overprotective. You're out and evidently nothing too bad has happened to you. In the end, you both as individuals will do what you need to do to fulfill your own needs, and if those actions bring you together, then you will be together, if not then you won't. Good luck!