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Oklahoma commisioner mails out homophobic comic for re-election campaign

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Moloch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 06:30 PM
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Oklahoma commisioner mails out homophobic comic for re-election campaign
Edited on Thu Jul-17-08 06:33 PM by damkira
OKLAHOMA CITY — Some Oklahoma County voters can expect to receive comic books in the mail soon, but the subject matter will have a serious tone.

The 16-page publication prepared by Commissioner Brent Rinehart's re-election campaign lampoons gays and criticizes Rinehart's political opponents. It also features an angel who supports the embattled commissioner and Satan, who supports his critics.

"It's more or less a story of my experiences of the last four years of being the county commissioner of District 2," Rinehart told The Oklahoman, which obtained the comic on Wednesday.

Toga-wearing gays, political figures, trench coat-clad henchmen, concerned residents and Rinehart make up the rest of the comic's characters.

In one sequence,
Satan says: "If I can get the kids to believe homosexuality is normal!"

The angel replies: "Hey Satan, not with Brent around you won't!"

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angrycarpenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 06:48 PM
Response to Original message
1. damn! thats crappy
I could draw better than that dead drunk. this is like some relic from the 50s. The message is stupid and hateful but it is also all over the place. This will make even the worst homophobe look at it and say "This is stupid".
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Toasterlad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 06:48 PM
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2. Serious Question: Is Everyone in Oklahoma a Fucking Moron?
Despite my amusement that they managed to misspell* pedophile incorrectly TWO DIFFERENT WAYS(!), that thing makes me want to punch every single person who reads it and thinks "I'm voting for Brent Reinhart!" in the sack, or an equally hurtful anatomical location.

Holy Christ on a stick, are you SHITTING me with this crap? Please tell me there's not ONE PERSON in Oklahoma that wouldn't be offended by this abortion...if for no other reason than that an elected official would produce such jaw-droppingly amateurish dreck to represent themselves.

*listen, I'm by no means a spelling nazi, but c'mon: if you're running for office, the least you could fucking do is run your shit through spell-check before you plaster it on thousands of childishly drawn scribbles that potential voters are likely to attempt to read.
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Maddy McCall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 06:50 PM
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3. Evidently, he's widely known in OKC for his homophobic politics. And he stands trial in Sept.
Commissioner Brent Rinehart's a Piece of

(his future, that is)

(Oklahoma City) Oklahoma County Commissioner Brent Rinehart from District 2, a practicing public homophobe, was formally arraigned earlier this month for serious Oklahoma campaign law violations (ten by my count) ranging from perjury and filing false campaign reports to accepting illegal contributions from third parties and conspiracy against the state during his campaign in 2004.

According to Attorney-General Drew Edmondson's office, Rinehart, and his campaign manager, Tim Pope (Pope, a former state legislator, carried a gun in his boot on to the floor of the House because gays were after him, he said, He was also found guilty of illegal campaign telemarketing in March for calls directed against Commissioner Jim Roth) are charged in Oklahoma County District Court with one count of conspiracy against the state, two counts of money laundering and three counts of knowingly accepting a contribution to a political candidate through an intermediary or conduit with unlawful intent. Additionally, Rinehart faces four counts of perjury.

Run-of-the-mill political shenanigans you might yawn, but stay with me.

If you're LGBT or a friend of one of us, you know that Mr. Rinehart, only just past the half-way mark in his first term, is finally getting his come-uppance as a public figure. From day one of his term he has ragged on Commissioner Jim Roth, District 1, for advancing what Rinehart thinks is the much talked about, but seldom seen, "gay agenda".

Why does Rinehart think he's had a look at the "gay agenda"? I haven't seen it and I've paid lots of dues in time and money. Does Rinehart know somebody I don't? Does he have a secret handshake? He seems to walk and talk in the normal way.

The only gay agenda I've seen is my own: to be treated under law in the same way as any other tax-paying citizen, irrespective of my sexual orientation, and according to my own observance of existing law. I'm paying the same fare as a straight man; I expect the same first-class ticket.

Rinehart, one of three 'no' votes in January of 2005, wanted to rescind a non-discrimination, LGBT--neutral, hiring/employment policy in Oklahoma County that was put in place under the sponsorship of Commissioner Roth just a month previously. Such a policy is good government because it saves money in discrimination lawsuits and attracts good potential employees.

Standing trial in Sept.

The charges stem from Rinehart's campaign for his current seat on the three-person board of county commissioners. Rinehart and former state Rep. Tim Pope, his political consultant at the time, were accused of funneling money illegally through a political action committee, OKRA-PAC, to fund his race. Midwest City businessman Ray Pelfrey also knew the donations were illegal, state officials said.

Rinehart and Pope were charged in Oklahoma County District Court with one count of conspiracy against the state, two counts of money laundering and three counts of knowingly accepting a contribution to a political candidate through an intermediary or conduit with unlawful intent. Rinehart also faces four counts of perjury. Pope faces two counts of perjury.

Donors Walter Pelfrey and Robert Larkin also were each charged with one count of making a contribution to a political candidate in excess of $5,000.

Larkin pleaded guilty in May and was ordered to serve a three- year deferred sentence and pay a $1,500 fine, court costs, fees and a victims compensation assessment.

Rinehart, Pope and Pelfrey were ordered to stand trial in Oklahoma County District Court. That trial is set for Sept. 22 before Judge Jerry Bass.

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Raster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 06:50 PM
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4. Unfortunately Mr. Oklahoma Ethics and Morals (Rinehart) is under investigation
Edited on Thu Jul-17-08 06:52 PM by Raster
by the IRS. If you go to the Tulsa World and read the entire article, PLEASE read the comments. They are a hoot, and basically lamenting that this idiot is going to get some smidgen of national publicity.

Here is a link to his complete "comic book." The only thing comic about this book is the sophomoric execution.

And remember as Betty Bowers always says "if the good Lord was going to give the Earth an enema, he would stick the hose in at Tulsa."
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msongs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 07:05 PM
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5. lotsa OKkk jesus jesus lovers will like them just fine nt
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FreepFryer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 07:14 PM
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6. 'pedefile'... hehe. Good Lord, this guy (like all other gaybashers) has major issues. (n/t)
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Moloch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 09:02 PM
Response to Reply #6
10. My favorite quote from the story:
"I've really encouraged him on more than one occasion to get professional help. He really needs it," said Sullivan, who is not depicted in the comic.

Pretty much sums it up.
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Siyahamba Donating Member (890 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 08:37 PM
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7. "pedafiles", "pedifiles"
He managed to misspell "pedophiles" - twice!
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DarienComp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 08:45 PM
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8. "homosexuals who practice anal sodomy"
They're obsessed with the anus. Obsessed.
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Raster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-17-08 08:53 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Most assholes usually are.
Anus obsessed, that is.
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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-18-08 11:50 AM
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11. When a Chick tract is a better comic than this ....
you KNOW it's bad!
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SacredCow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-18-08 12:21 PM
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12. Brent Rinehart owes me a new keyboard....

The contrast of the intent of wholesome Christian goodness with the execution of a drunk babboon on crystal meth is just priceless!
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galledgoblin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-21-08 01:59 AM
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13. insult to gays AND comic lovers!!
and incredibly insulting to us gay comic book lovers!!
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CurtEastPoint Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-21-08 09:08 AM
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14. See this asshat on CNN videos (link below) Does your GAYDAR go off?
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