in North Carolina today, a kid will get bullied for being gay. He might get called names. He might get pushed around. He might get beaten up. He will go home and deal the best he can. He will go to sleep, or at least try to, knowing that the same thing is likely to happen the next day, the day after that, and the day after that. He will screw up his courage and go back to that school because he knows that is his only way out. He knows that without an education, he will never have a decent job so he sacrifices his dignity. Or maybe he won't screw up his courage and instead drop out. Either way, the Jesus I know would side with him. The legislature sided with his abusers, and Jesus wept.
I write this as a student and as a teacher. I know what it is like to be that bullied student. Now I get to make sure it doesn't happen to my students. The law would have made that job easier. Our kids deserved better. WWJD? He would have sided with the downtrodden, at least the Jesus Matthew wrote about would have.