A couple of weeks back an editorial had been published in the UMass - Amherst newspaper that I had posted here in the GLBT Forum. It was entitled "Militant gay-rights activists strike out". Obviously it was a disgusting piece of virulent hate and I was hoping to get some response back to the newspaper for their audacity at printing such hate speech.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=221x93410I figured that everyone would care to know that the paper has now posted a few letters to the editor including one from a DU poster (sniffa). Below I've linked the response as it appeared in the paper as well as a second one which was also of value.
http://media.www.dailycollegian.com/media/storage/paper874/news/2008/12/11/LettersToTheEditor/Disappointing.Opinion-3577667.shtml?reffeature=recentlycommentedstoriestabAnother Response:
http://media.www.dailycollegian.com/media/storage/paper874/news/2008/12/11/LettersToTheEditor/Hate-Speech-3577669.shtml?reffeature=recentlycommentedstoriestabHave a nice day everyone,