. . . do double blind placebo controlled studies with acupuncture. To correctly put in a needle - which takes months if not years to learn how to do - you would know if the point was a real point or a sham point, so no double-blind control there. If a non-acupuncturist puts in the needle they will not be doing so correctly, so there will likely not be a proper effect anyway.
As far as the acupuncture theory goes - well that is a longer discussion. IMNVHO the theory gives creates a map for how to choose the correct points and how to do the needling. As to the existence of points and meridians and Qi, well, that will remain to be discovered by Western science, or dis-proven. Right now there are no accurate instruments that measure Qi, if it exists. I don't even think anyone really know where or how to look for that. It's not electrical though we do know that most of the acupuncture points have a lowered electrical resistance at their location. What does that mean? Good question. I've also seen photos of peoples skin changing color along meridians while getting Chinese style acupuncture. I've not personally seen this myself. What does that mean? Good question. The Chinese researchers think it validates the existence of the acupuncture meridians. Does it? Good question, and people are still asking that one.
Back to the manipulation of energy - perhaps there is energy, perhaps not. But the acupuncture does have a long lasting if not permanent effect on a great many people who receive it. Remains to be discovered by scientists, of which I am not, to figure out why. Good luck on em. For me, I just like to get people well. Pretty good at it too. My first patient, 23 years ago, had migraines 3-4 times a week. Debilitating type, vomiting, locking himself in a dark room, extreme pain. 23 years later, still no migraines. Maybe I treated him just at the right time and he wouldn't have had the migraines anymore even without treatment. Who knows. All I know is that he's a damn happy camper about it.
I could tell dozens if not thousands of such stories, but they admittedly are "anecdotal". Like I said, I'm not a scientist. Just a clinician trying to help people out of their illnesses.
An excellent book that tackles these questions is called "Dao of Chinese Medicine: Understanding an Ancient Healing Art. by Donald (Deke) Kendall.
http://www.amazon.com/Dao-Chinese-Medicine-Understanding-Ancient/dp/0195921046/sr=8-1/qid=1158352943/ref=sr_1_1/103-9402020-9213415?ie=UTF8&s=booksHe does make good strides at explaining a lot of this. I believe his background, before becoming an acupuncturist, was an electrical engineer. I haven't read it yet, but it has great reviews and since I've known Deke for nearly 25 years (don't tell him I haven't read it yet, please), I know it's going to be very well researched and original.
Sorry about the snipe. Still recovering from the idiot in chiefs speechifying this morning and I'm a bit cranky.