B.C. residents, including a woman nearly killed by arsenic poisoning and left a quadriplegic, are sharing more than $340,000 as a result of a settlement involving a self-proclaimed holistic healer.
The government says the defendant, Selena Tsui, was not charged in the case after the Crown concluded there was no substantial likelihood of conviction on any criminal charges.
The government says between 2000 and 2004, Tsui told at least a dozen people she was qualified to diagnose and treat diseases, including mental conditions, when in fact she had no formal training.
One of her clients, identified only as E.L., began taking a concoction she believed contained mushrooms and herbs, but had extreme arsenic levels, and she suffered respiratory and renal failure, cardiac arrest and paralysis.... victims of a Richmond woman who claimed to be a holistic healer will receive $340,000 in compensation as a result of a civil forfeiture proceeding.
Selena Tsui, who has not been charged or convicted in connection with the allegations in the forfeiture case, reached an out-of-court settlement, the province announced Thursday.
According to a press release from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Tsui told at least a dozen people that she was “qualified to diagnose, prescribe for and treat diseases and ailments, including mental conditions.”
An investigation revealed that she had no formal training and was not registered with any B.C. regulatory body for health professionals, even though she proclaimed herself to be a “holistic healer” who promised to bring one client back from the dead....(more)