...I have a problem with the medical industry pretending to have "science" in their corner.
That you would post this vaguely related essay as an endorsement of free-market medicine or as a another of your critiques against alternative therapy is a case in point.
You should have included this summarizing point:
In a nutshell, if people are given an opportunity to take pride in their embrace of free markets and unregulated enterprise, they are subsequently more likely to accept scientific evidence that would otherwise be deemed too threatening to their worldview.
Do you understand this...??? It's saying that if you are OK with a free-market medical industry then you are more likely to have faith in "science". Setting aside, for a moment, the problem of a market based approach to achieving, not PUBLIC health, but your own personal health, one must consider whether "science" serves everybody or just those that can afford it. An egalitarian society promotes the health of all its' citizens and if they DO NOT object to claims that a "happy meal" is good nutrition, they are not promoting 'public health'.
Of course, intelligent people already realize that either there is no attempt to create "an egalitarian society" or that..." rights and goods should be distributed more equally and society should bear partial responsibility for securing the conditions of individual flourishing."
People who choose alternatives to the medical industry are the true pioneers of an enlightened 'egalitarian' society not "scam artists" out to deny "science", as you and your friends like to insist. Progressives pass laws against 'child labour' and, to the best of their ability, industrial malfeasance. These are indications of looking out for the community as a whole. The same with the essays' points about "climate change". Leading the charge against 'climate science' are the industrial interests who fear a loss of personal wealth.
"Perhaps not surprisingly, HI individuals are more likely to resist acceptance of climate science than EC individuals... ...Because implicit in the message we get from climate science is the need to alter the way we currently do business. The spectre of regulation looms large, and so does the (imaginary) World Government or other interventions — such as multilateral agreements — that are anathema to the notion that individuals, not governments or societies, determine their own fate."
But, back to me and why I distrust the goals of science.
If you assumed I lack high school science and math, you are correct. I left early. I had the ability to read and an inquisitive mind. I had a couple of talents that I was born with and they were enough to get me out into the world. I had no prolonged exposure to the 'scientific method' and thus avoided that indoctrination. I accepted what I didn't understand if it served my interests.
However, the longer I lived, the more contradictions I encountered to accepted scientific theory. In my life, I experienced many incidents that defied easy scientific explanations. Being inquisitive and not beholden to any pre-conceived dogma, I strayed into the era of metaphysics and before long I had discovered that there was a lot more room for explanation in this realm of human consciousness. I pursued this avenue of research and found that my life was easier and more fulfilling by taking responsibility for my personal reality. It gave me the wisdom to allow other people to experience their own PERSONAL REALITY.
My only concern was that they should be free to do so, without the overpowering influence of the self-serving private interests of the free market.
The medical industry and its' handmaiden PharmaCorp is a ruthless assault on the American people. I feel sorry for you and have taken it upon myself to attempt to free you from its' myths and subterfuge. I'm sorry that you think it is anti-science. That's a big fat red herring.