Edited on Mon Jun-20-05 04:34 AM by oscar111
tv news just said in a report:
Hosp placing order for flushots, found "stiff competition, like trying to get concert tickets" .
This, as a global disaster pandemic may ... Might... loom from a birdflu outbreak.. if birdflu gets the genetic ability to pass from human to human, not just current ability to go from bird to man.
Lame excuse on the usual flushots... "few sources exist for it". Yet last year, England IIRC, had seven or more sources. We had three, IIRC.
Speak out for NATIONALIZING all of Big Pill, including the part that makes flushots. Profitseeking co's will not risk making too much and losing money. Result: lives lost from shortage of shots.
Only NATIONALIZED flushot factories can risk money loss , to save your life. It is worth it. Obviously. Speak out.
PS for-profit healthcare has sunk our longevity from 2Oth to 24th, during bush's first term. Great. Just great. 24 nations outlive us, yet we spend more than any nation , per capita. ============================ WORLD HEALTH REPORT 2OOO {UN} also adds... 37th.. quality of healthcare delivery system %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 72nd.. yes seventy secondth... health status of the population. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
our Frist-type doctors have played us for fools, suckers and rubes.
Nationalize ALL FOUR corners of healthcare:
drs hospitals/nursing homes insurance Big Pill {including the flushot factories}
Arent you tired of the shortages from the for-profit setup?