Quote, "It’s also used by the court system to help determine insanity"
The chemical I've been learning about mimicks true psychiatric disorder. I think that there are some in mental institutions today who have only been poisoned by 2-butoxyethanol.
It does a lot of bad things to people
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/cfs_overview.htmI suspect it for being the root cause of many cancers; and the cause of 'gulf war syndrome' Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and a lot of other things -
Maybe even SIDS - That's what I think
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/sids.htmMaybe even neuroblastoma such as Alex had (the girl with the lemonade stand)
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/alex.htmI wonder if there really is a cure out there... for the autoimmune hemolytic anemia that will be there ... beneath the other things it can cause? Wouldn't it be sad if there really has been a cure found, but because the medical industry makes so much money on people being sick, they haven't told us about it? (Someone I respect said that this was the case. It is very hard to believe)
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/canine.htmThere was a fine gulf war vet who checked himself into a VA psychiatric institution on Christmas Eve day last year. I don't suppose his 2 boys had a very good Christmas then. He said it didn't help. I'm glad he got out. www.valdezlink.com/chad.htm

Why did I study 2-butoxyethanol?
Oh, and I suspect it for causing deaths of Soldiers in Iraq with 'pneumonia' last year.
Whatever you do, soldier, don't walk into the ARMS room if there's any Corexit leaking!
states 'shatteredLife2,'
"I did spend a lot of time in the arms room and there was a barrel of something (50 gal.) I do slightly remember something in that room... I didn't know what it was though. It also seems like something was leaking... my mind is so messed up I just don't recall things correctly? there may have been a wet place on the floor-- I'll have to try and think back? I believe it was blue though.
I felt fine though while in the arms room. It is what came afterwards though, the grey skin with a red tint to it, bloodshot red eyes, joint pain, body aches, headache, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, malaised, lassitude, disoriented, confused, rapid heart rate, fever, breathing problems, nervousness, yellow thick mucas poured from both nostrils, and severe coughing, and severe fatigue, and I felt 80 years old and had to grab onto the railing after I went up a flight of stairs. I was totally exhausted and
my lungs filled with fluid and showed up on the x-ray as totally black in both lobes. I was admitted immediately to the hospital where I stayed for 7 days sick as heck!" 6-13-04
In arms room - blue 50 gal drums - Corexit?
Corexit was sold to the military. It is a very bad mix that is 38% ethylene glycol monobutyl ether and may also have ethylene oxide ... at least some.
With the red eyes, the puddle of it on the floor possibly?
This could be the exposure that has cause this illness
It will make ones body shut down with too much exposure to it.
The arms room, that's it
The arms room!
rapid heart rate? yes this is what 2-butoxyethanol does - quickly causes hemolytic anemia
Lungs filled with fluid? this is a chemical pneumonia what they would say now as the soldiers in Iraq are dying of pneumonia (more correctly it is pulmonary edema) ... I bet this is what is going on & have felt so from the day I first heard of it.
There is a painter I met from Canada last month who said he knew his kidney cancer was from paint. I said, yes, most likely. I asked him if he had flu-like symptoms. He said, 'no' dizziness. When the red blood cells are dying off you are loosing the oxygen that they would carry ... that would be the dizziness & a significant symptom.
At the hot temperatures in Iraq, there's no telling how volatile this chemical would be. I wonder what in the world the military thinks this is good for. It is a horrible experimental chemical invention of the Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup and not even selected for use; but since, there is MSDS information that it has been sold to the Dept of Defense, to Australia for their 1995 oil spill cleanup and dumped from airplanes for the Karachi oil spill. Horrible poison/pesticide/solvent that is a hazardous waste, per my thoughts and should be disposed of as such. Not transported, not stored, not used for anything!