reason I ask is that if she has to clean ... she will have to use Simple Green, most likely. Note that unless Simple Green is diluted 30 times ... like a 2 oz capful in a half gallon of water, she could be at health risk for 2-butoxyethanol over exposure. Which, from what I'm learning is like getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFIDS, or the 'gulf war syndrome' for civilians
Doesn't it say that US Prisoners use Simple Green as the cleaner of choice? ... so who knows?
I've gotten feedback from a couple of people who seem to have had a bad experience
So is full strength use as also non-toxic and safe for health?
For sure they should warn against misting it!
Paint companies have had some disclosure problems? I looked into it when a year ago I was surprised by bold warnings that paint contained ethylene glycol and it caused kidney problems. I asked the company I whose paint I was checking (as my husband had a bad reaction June, 2003 & then there were no ingredients disclosed) ... I asked them which ethylene glycol? Their, reply, "We are not telling you!"
This man had a bad experience
Said a hospital chaplain, "I've used Simple Green for years; but I've noticed in the last couple of years that I have eyes watering and respiratory concerns"
Dee and Randy... could they have been harmed by Simple Green? Let's check the prison population who do a lot of cleaning with Simple Green! Only check them for the RIGHT things
Besides NO ENERGY and continual ANGER outbursts ... what else does ethylene glycol monobutyl ether do?