I'm thinking it might be something to check into. I notice that the list of potential harm looks a lot like the warnings of 2-butoxyethanol ... which has n-butyl ether.
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/accutane.htm If you look at more information on this chemical, it damages the testes. I know of a Coastguardsman who became sterile after monitoring the Exxon Valdez oil spill 'bioremediation' experiment www.valdezlink.com/inipol/pages/experiment.htm
This is the list for Accutane and it does have a butylated inert ingredient:
*Birth Defects
*Ulcerative Colitis
*Crohn's Disease
*Inflammatory Bowel Disorder
*Rectal Bleeding
*Abdominal Pain
*Premature Closure of Growth Plates
*Dessicated Discs
*Organ Damage
*Optic Neuritis
*Central Nervous System Injuries
*Bone and Muscle Loss
*Cardiovascular Injuries
*Liver and Kidney Damage
*Immune System Disorder
*Hearing and Vision Damage
*Thyroid Disorders
*Suicidal Behavior
http://www.accutane-side-effects.com/Best I can tell, it could be the butylated inert ingredient that causes all of this. Sort of the CFS, CFIDS, 'gulf war syndrome' list of add on ailments
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/whatis.htm(after the fatigue, that is)
http://home.gci.net/~blessing/pages/canine.htmIf I had a parental choice for my child, I wouldn't give a medication that dries out your whole body for life, and which may cause birth defects into the future ... not just during the time the drug was being taken. A young woman I know took Accutane maybe 8 years ago. Her child was born premature. She was a big boned woman in good health by all appearances. Premature child birth does not run in her family. There was no reason for her to have a premature child.
My friend's son took Accutane and has not been able to have children and has been trying for over 13 years. Maybe there is a connection; maybe there isn't. But maybe someone should be checking into it.