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"Breast Cancer Society" phone solicitations are a fraud--hang up and report them

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zazen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 09:48 PM
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"Breast Cancer Society" phone solicitations are a fraud--hang up and report them
(stories about abuse and fraud)

(sites that tell you what you can do)

Many other complaints online too from others victimized by these criminals. They've got a fake web site at too. You can't get a human being but I understand if you call their 800 number and hang up you'll rack up their charges.

They just called me for the umpteenth time and were NASTY when I wouldn't commit after their huge guilt trip (which set off my alarm bells), and that's after I said, oh, I've had breast cancer and contribute to other organizations. Apparently, they've been even more abusive to other people and are a big scam organization.

I've just reported them to the N&O, the Secretary of State, and will call a friend in the NC Attorney General's office tomorrow to see what can be done.

This is appalling, esp. with so much real need and with decent charities seeing their endowments plummet.

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ananda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. I always hang up immediately on any phone calls..
.. from anyone I don't know personally.
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VADA Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-16-09 07:49 PM
Response to Original message
2. breast cancer
i just wanted to let you know i raise money for the breast cancer society and i don't know who called you but they gave you the wrong web site any Charity's web sight will end in .org not .com and no real charity should take money over the phone and most people think that giving to people who call is a rip off cause not enough go to Charity's but even if you give directly all the money does not go to Charity's theres always over heads and if someone calls or send something in the mail you can always check on the charity by going to charity they will tell you there if its a call just tell them you have to look online and to call back tomorrow but i do know everyone has there own opinion but hey I'm on the other end of that phone and i do not get nasty with no one. No one should but hey i get a lot of ignorant people
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robin2p Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-23-09 09:43 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. charity navigator
Hello VADA,
I just received a phone call from someone looking for donations for The Breast Cancer Society. This person was very polite, but when I asked how much of my money went to the cause, they said they were not allowed to say. I would have to speak with a supervisor. I have given to charities in the past, but was always given an answer immediately when I asked that question.
I told the person to call back so I could check Charity Navigator. My only problem is I can't find it. I found the .org website and it sounds like a good cause, but can't find the informations there either.
Would you please help out an ignorant person, and send me a link or something?
Thanks in advance.
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SoCalFemale Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-07-09 01:20 PM
Response to Original message
4. "Breast Cancer Society" telephone solicitations
Edited on Wed Oct-07-09 02:00 PM by SoCalFemale
I received a telephone solicitation from The Breast Cancer Society today and am very suspicious of them. At first I thought she said she was calling from the ACS (American Cancer Society). As it happens, I am currently undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for stage III breast CA which will be followed by a mastectomy and probably radiation therapy. I explained to the female caller that I was currently unable to work and having trouble just paying my own bills so was not in a position to donate now but that I would consider donating after all of my treatment is done and when I am again able to work. Instead of being compassionate, she pressured me as to when I might be able donate -- a couple of weeks from now? -- next month? I again explained that my treatment would be going into next year. She then attempted to use guilt tactics by claiming that many women can't afford the treatment I am getting and that this organization helps women pay for such treatments. The more she pressured me, the more it sounded like a complete scam. She then claimed the website address was Because as a current BC patient I am well aware of that site and participate on its discussion boards, I knew it wasn't theirs. Their actual website is The website is designed to solicit donations. The most significant thing missing is a link for women who need help to apply for such help from the charity.

If this org is legitimate, how do women in need apply to them? Wouldn't that be one of the most significant links? How does one obtain their most recent annual financial report which would show how much was raised and how that amount was allocated? They may have thrown out a few dollars to the women who wrote the testimonials, but I suspect the vast majority of funds raised goes to "administrative" cost (i.e. to support the founders). In my opinion, it looks like a fund raising scam.
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SoCalFemale Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-07-09 02:55 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. The Breast Cancer Society, Mesa, AZ 85212
Edited on Wed Oct-07-09 03:47 PM by SoCalFemale
The more I think about the solicitation call I received today and subsequent Internet searching, the more I am convinced that The Breast Cancer Society (of Mesa, AZ) is a scam that uses the emotional appeal of breast cancer to raise funds that are primarily retained by the operators of the so-called charity. Anyone who donates should be able to know how much money they raise and how much of it goes to support the financial needs of breast cancer victims. Very little goes to the stated cause in my opinion.

It they are legitimate, why did the solicitor who called me today keep pressuring me to donate even after I told her that I was having trouble meeting my own financial obligations due to my current breast cancer treatment? Shouldn't she instead have told me that I might be a candidate for assistance from this very charity? Shouldn't she have given me a link to apply for assistance? That would be my thought if they were legitimate.

I'd suggest extreme caution and reliable reference checking as to how much of the funds raised go to the stated cause before sending any donations to them. The address on their website is below, but some people report being asked to send their donations elsewhere.

The Breast Cancer Society, Inc.
6859 E. Rembrandt Ave., Ste. 128
Mesa, AZ 85212

Apparently this organization is a more recent offshoot of a shady organization called "Cancer Fund of America." See their Charity Navigator comments here:

Another breast cancer patient has also mentioned their inappropriate solicitation:
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nicnews Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-06-09 08:09 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Breast Cancer Society
Was wondering if they are calling folks in California
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