I have heard a couple of comments from people CFIDS, CFS, 'gulf war syndrome' group and Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup workers ... that they have thick, dark blood.
One lady shared with me that she was diagnosed with Immune System Activated Coagulopathy, a thickening of the blood caused by the immune system.
I suspect the fatigue the doctors might find if they looked more at the immune system and the red blood cells, is AIHA
And recently about autoimmune thyroid (hashimotos thyroiditis) and Pyoderma Gangrenosum, rare auto immune disorder. On this link, www.aloeride.co.uk/IBD.html sponsored by About.com - they talk about an 'autoimmune' aspect to one of the 'leaky gut' syndromes
Another shared something with me I have never heard of before: "It seems my t-cells and b-cells are passing through the blood brain barrier giving them access to the nervous system.
the point is to avoid offending foods. That sounds a little simple but I am watching my diet carefully and doing good."
SO - could this autoimmune situation be affecting the Central Nervous System, too: short term memory loss, difficulty concentrating, sleeplessness, extreme irritability, depression, suicidal tendencies?