It took 5 decades to overcome the massive well funded PR campaign by Big Tobacco,
as well as overcome the conflicts of interest in those who were supposed to protect us.Huffington Post "There is No Proof Cigarettes Cause Cancer"
Dr. Jay Gordon February 16, 2009It took fifty years before the courts finally acknowledged that cigarette smoking causes cancer.
There were billions of dollars at stake.
The dozens of court decisions that there "
was no proof" were supported by
physicians, expert witnesses of all types and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on attorneys.
Experts and doctors alike stated over and over again that we need not continue studying this issue because there was just no proof.
Let me state very simply, vaccines can cause autism. No real scientist would encourage us to stop studying this possibility.The proof is not there yet. It will be found. Let's hope it doesn't take another fifty years and hundreds of court cases to convince the government and the public. Private industry is once again duping the FDA, doctors and the public. The conflicts of interest are obscene and illegal.
The diseases against which we vaccinate are still dangerous and still present in other countries and in America but simple risk/benefit analysis would show that the risks from the way vaccines are manufactured and administered far outweighs the risks of harm from these relatively rare illnesses......
Yes, Big Tobacco found doctors to say that smoking cigarettes was safe.
We were told that enough studies had been done, and there was no point in doing more.