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Anyone else on DU suffer from Hypoglycemia? I cannot

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Bobbieo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 09:45 PM
Original message
Anyone else on DU suffer from Hypoglycemia? I cannot
get rid of the nausea, headaches, dizziness in spite of the fact I eat all of the little meals, etc. I see my MD next Monday.
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Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 09:54 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sometimes. I can avoid it by consuming protein in a meal, or at least
more complex carbs.

Coffee seems to make it worse, I suspect because it temporaily speeds up my metabolism, so my circulating glucose drops.

I think my autistic son may have occasional bouts of it too, which is difficult because he can't explain how he feels.

Good luck to you!
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Bobbieo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 10:00 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. The only thing that helps is dark chocolate. It is discouraging to think I have to spend the rest
of my life nibbling on Hersey's semi-sweet chcolate drops. They do melt in your hand!!!
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thunder rising Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 09:55 PM
Response to Original message
2. Is like all of a sudden? For me, I had always been so, and MD pointed it out as a cause for some
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Bobbieo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 10:09 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. I think is is a genetic disorder. I'm certain my mother had it some 30 years
ago as she used to pass out all the time. They called the bouts "mini strokes". Think my daughter has it, too.

I've had to quit driving and am afraid to go out for fear of passing out, too.
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SPedigrees Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 10:23 PM
Response to Original message
5. It runs in my family but it's mild.
Edited on Tue May-05-09 10:25 PM by SPedigrees
I just get weak and shakey when my blood sugar drops. Like Ilsa said, caffein seems to bring on symptoms, very likely for the reasons she mentioned. I think the only solution is to always have a snack close at hand. I never go for a long walk without food along, and I keep crackers in my car.

I've never heard of nausea or headaches being related to hypoglycemia. Is it possible these symptoms could have another cause?
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honeylady Donating Member (14 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 10:29 PM
Response to Original message
6. I had it for years - its now completely under control
My hypoglycemia was caused by a chronic candida albicans infestation. It took probably 25 years before I got rid of the infestation. Once I got that under control my blood sugar stabilized. Google "Aquagen". Of course, your problem may be caused by something completely different. But its worth a try.
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Bobbieo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 10:44 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
Mild hypoglycemia
Symptoms of mild low blood sugar usually develop when blood sugar falls below 70 mg/dL and may include:
· Nausea.
· Extreme hunger.
· Feeling nervous or jittery.
· Cold, clammy, wet skin and/or excessive sweating not caused by exercise.
· A rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).
· Numbness or tingling of the fingertips or lips.
· Trembling.

Moderate hypoglycemia
If blood sugar continues to fall, the nervous system will be affected. Symptoms usually develop when the blood sugar falls below 55 mg/dL and may include:
· Mood changes, such as irritability, anxiety, restlessness, or anger.
· Confusion, difficulty in thinking, or inability to concentrate.
· Blurred vision, dizziness, or headache.
· Weakness, lack of energy.
· Poor coordination.
· Difficulty walking or talking, such as staggering or slurred speech.
· Fatigue, lethargy, or drowsiness.

Severe hypoglycemia
The symptoms of severe low blood sugar develop when blood sugar falls below 35-40 mg/dL and may include:
· Seizures or convulsions.
· Loss of consciousness, coma.
· Low body temperature (hypothermia).

Prolonged severe hypoglycemia can cause irreversible brain damage and heart problems, especially in people who already have coronary artery disease. If emergency medical treatment is not provided, severe hypoglycemia can be fatal.

Some medicines may mask symptoms of low blood sugar, including beta-blockers, which are often used to treat heart conditions and high blood pressure.
What to think about

Different people may develop symptoms of mild, moderate, or severe hypoglycemia at varying blood sugar levels. Although the blood sugar levels listed above are typical, they may not apply to everyone. If your blood sugar drops suddenly, you may develop symptoms even if your level is in the normal range.

A number of medical conditions can cause symptoms similar to those of hypoglycemia. Your doctor will use blood tests and other measures to make sure another condition isn't causing your symptoms.

WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise

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SPedigrees Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 01:02 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. Interesting. I get all the symptoms of "mild" except nausea and tingling of fingertips/lips.
Edited on Wed May-06-09 01:02 AM by SPedigrees
I'm very glad to have always been able to find food in time to stave off the more severe symptoms.

I hope the doc has some suggestions for you that will help.

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