MAY 7, 2009
Fear of Vaccines Spurs Outbreaks, Study Says
Parental doubts about the safety of childhood vaccinations are leading to outbreaks of largely eradicated diseases like measles and whooping cough, doctors warned in a new report. A U.S. measles outbreak last year -- almost exclusively among unvaccinated people -- has sparked concern about places where many parents opt out of having their children vaccinated.
In Ashland, Ore., more than a quarter of kindergartners aren't vaccinated, leading the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to hold a town-hall meeting on vaccination there earlier this year. "A lot of folks are counterculture-type independent thinkers
do not have faith in all the modern medicine-type stuff," said Myles Murphy, city editor of the town's newspaper, the Ashland Daily Tidings. Too many abstainers can put a town at risk, wrote Dr. Saad Omer, of Emory University in Atlanta, the lead author in the report in this week's New England Journal of Medicine.
Vaccines for diseases like whooping cough aren't 100% effective for each individual, and some children can't be vaccinated for medical reasons. That means that eradicating a disease requires vaccinating a large percentage of the nearby population to stop infections from spreading -- what's called "herd immunity." In Colorado, schools with an outbreak of whooping cough in the 1990s had an average of 4.3% of students who had opted out of vaccination, compared with 1.5% at schools without an outbreak, a study cited by Dr. Omer found.
About 20 states allow exemptions from vaccinations on account of personal beliefs, including California, Texas, Pennsylvania and much of the West. In those states, the rate of opting out had risen to 2.8% last year, up from 1% in 1991, according to state reports compiled by the CDC. "Overall coverage is quite high, but that doesn't mean it's uniformly high, and it's the clustering of exemptors that we get quite concerned about," said Lance Rodewald, director of the CDC's immunization services division. (subscription)
Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page D2