Not at all, but this is who we are targeting today, right? why? I think it is because they are the best.
You are not going to legislate a new motivation.
Not give it up, go where more money is, or never enter the profession It may not be the moral thing to do, but I have news for you, this is how it works. We have very gifted medical professionals and drug research, the best, because they make good money. If you stifle that potential, you must admit, it will stifle the quality.
Ahhhhh............ hope
if you believe it or not, to the extent it is now,it always has been and will be. Again, there are those who are not motivated by money, but for some reason we are not talking about their care being needed.
If I provide a service, I open an office and perform elbow surgery. Do you contend I should be limited on how much I can profit? If so, what if I do 2 or 3 surgeries a day (work harder) to up my profits? What if I hire someone under me and they work for me, are they limited or am I limited what I can profit from them?
I can think of many complexities regarding this one office, and people are trying to micro manage the entire industry.
I do think beyond my own self interest. There seems to be this notion that if you don't agree that the government should control it, you are against it or don't care. To the contrary, I think the fed will screw it up, and it can't be fixed quickly. Heck, even if we get a good plan and it seems to be working, the government changes and it is taken in a different direction. If a company screws it up, they fix it quick or they are gone, and a new one steps in.
off the top of your head, the best organizations:
Red Cross? Good Will? FEMA?
What's the difference?