Buyer Beware: Statins To Lower Cholesterol Are Not a Panacea'm sure that many of you read about the study showing that Crestor, a popular statin drug manufactured by AstraZeneca, has been found to confer an additional and potentially even greater benefit than its ability to lower cholesterol. Researchers, funded by AstraZeneca, wanted to explain why half of the people who have heart attacks and strokes also have low cholesterol. They set out to determine whether inflammation, as measured by a C-reactive protein test (CRP), was an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Not surprisingly, they found that it was. They also found that Crestor lowered inflammation. Now, the study's researchers and others are recommending that anyone with inflammation (elevated CRP) take a statin to prevent heart disease--even those who are healthy and not at risk for heart disease. My advice? Buyer beware!
The study's so-called medical breakthrough--that reducing inflammation reduces the risk for heart disease--is not new! For years, I, and many other credible holistic doctors, have been saying that inflammation, not high cholesterol, is the root cause of heart disease--and all chronic degenerative diseases for that matter. I'm glad that this message is getting out. I'm just disappointed that the medical community is looking to solve yet another problem with a pill that suppresses a normal body function. But this isn't new either.
What also isn't new is Big Pharma finding a way to get as many people as they can on statins, whether they need them or not. This is why Big Pharma has been instrumental in revising the numbers used to determine "normal cholesterol." Did you know that, according to the New York Times, about 16 to 20 million people already take statins? Despite all the hype, many large studies involving statins have failed to show much benefit. Major studies have concluded there's no difference in death rates or cardiac incidences for those taking statins for high cholesterol. And just when there has been a lot of speculation about whether statins are safe, the makers of Crestor and Lipitor, etc., have identified several million more Americans who might die without these drugs. Hmmm.
It's likely that many medical organizations and government authorities will recommend that doctors now test regularly for C-reative protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation. Although this standard blood test has been around for years, the head researcher on the study (called Jupiter), Dr. Paul M. Ridker, owns a patent on a new CRP test. This, along with the fact that Dr. Ridker was paid by AstroZenica to do the study, raises some questions about its validity.
In the next few years, you may be under increased pressure to take statins, and I caution you...
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