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Veggies may keep breast cancer from returning

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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 04:16 AM
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Veggies may keep breast cancer from returning

Researchers for this new study followed more than 1,500 women, beginning on average two years after the women finished treatment for early-stage breast cancer. Initial tests confirmed that women with higher levels of carotenoids in their blood, which are markers of carotenoids in the diet, ate more vegetables and fruits.

After about seven years, women who began with the highest levels of carotenoids in their blood showed 43 percent less risk of developing breast cancer again when compared to women with the lowest carotenoid levels. Since dietary supplements can also provide carotenoids, researchers conducted a separate analysis with women whose carotenoids came only from food.

Part of the problem with past studies may be reliance upon self-reported vegetable and fruit intakes. People can inaccurately report what or how much they eat. The database on the content of carotenoids and other phytochemicals in foods is also incomplete. A more reliable method, which this new study uses, is measuring blood levels of carotenoids. Researchers are better able to analyze the impact of these substances because they are definitely present in the body.

Fruits and vegetables aren’t the only place to look for protection from the return of breast cancer. In this study, statistical analysis controlled for the impact of weight. Yet other research suggests that three factors may lower the risk of breast cancer recurrence: a healthy weight, little or no weight gain after diagnosis of your primary breast cancer and physical activity.

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Tiggeroshii Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 04:53 AM
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1. Another good reason to eat our veggies
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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 07:49 AM
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2. It's considered to be benificial
for all forms of cancer including brain tumours. Also worthwhile investing in a centrifugal juicer as some fruits and vegetables can then be digested more rapidly and in substantially higher volume. You'll know when to back off the carrots,unless you want to look suntanned , and avoid too many cucumbers if you're going to drink beer !
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Berry Cool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 10:49 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. This is great, but I want more research into the causes of cancer as well.
We still don't really know why people get breast cancer. Learning how to prevent recurrence is good for those who have already had it, but what about preventing it in those who haven't?
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Touchdown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-16-06 03:20 PM
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4. Veggies??? How old are you?
They are vegetables. Why does everything have to be turned into a cutesy-poo name?:evilgrin:

On topic, that's good to know. I'll send my cousing the article. She's beeen battling it for 5 years.
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