Pfizer Abandons Heart Drug Development
By William Faloon
William Faloon
William Faloon
In a startling announcement, the largest drug company in the world says it will no longer develop medicine to prevent or treat atherosclerotic heart disease.1
Pfizer is the maker of Lipitor® and Norvasc®, two of the most profitable cardiovascular drugs of all time. Total cumulative sales of Lipitor® alone top $120 billion. Despite spending tens of billions of dollars in research and acquisitions, Pfizer is throwing in the towel. Pfizer’s inability to combat the leading cause of death in the modern world is an indictment of the pharmaceutical industry’s failure to use their outrageous profits to defeat age-related disease.
Why is Pfizer Dropping Out?
In their public statement, Pfizer says it wants to focus new drug research on more profitable areas such as oncology. Sadly, cancer patients are forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars for oncology drugs that may prolong survival by only a few months.
We at Life Extension® believe that Pfizer’s capitulation is based on the abundance of nutritional products that are vastly superior in preventing and reversing heart disease than anything the pharma-ceutical industry is capable of developing over the next 5 to 10 years. Pfizer is also keenly aware that cardiac patients today often have access to very low-cost generic medications to augment (if needed) the effects of natural approaches.
Examples of Superiority of Natural Products
Five million Americans suffer from congestive heart failure.2 Certain prescription drugs can temporarily improve cardiac output, but nothing has demonstrated better results than the ubiquinol form of coenzyme Q10. In congestive heart failure patients whose ejection fraction (a measure of how much blood the heart can pump) had plummeted to near-death levels despite aggressive drug therapy, ubiquinol increased heart muscle function by 88%.3