Just saying the addictive part of tobacco, nicotine, has healing properties as well and society will also pay a cost without it.
The mechanisms of its
neuroprotective qualities continue to be investigated
Perhaps it is the way it prevents overactivation of microglia but there is certainly an anti-inflammatory mechanism...
Anyway nicotine is good for the aging brain.
There are so many conditions it has a positive effect on. Retrospective studies on Parkinson's disease clarifies the more they smoked and the longer they smoked the lower the chance of getting the disease.
There are fewer and smaller studies but similar findings with ulcerative colitis.
Snus is an oral tobacco sold in Sweden...air cured, a different way than here, and very low in nitrosamines
Anyway snus has a similar finding with MS. The more and longer it is used the lower the chances of getting MS.
There are trials with nicotine (using the patch) showing improvement in many conditions including Tourette's syndrome, cognitive disorders and many brain related disorders.
Strangely there are certain forms of cancer for which it has protective effect. It reduces neurological pain which is quite difficult to treat.
It increases the formation of new blood vessels...good for some things, bad of course for others
I could provide links for anything (ask if you want them) but won't bother now, I'm not trying to change minds.
I could also get into the Calcium Phosphate-based Fertilizer that tobacco growers started using around 1940. Radioactive. Using Organic or Ammonium Phosphate-based fertilizer wouldn't produce that pesky polonium 210. This is particularly bad for tobacco since it clings to the sticky buds. I could also link the Phillip Morris document from almost 30 years ago that noted this issue but summarized it wasn't worth the additional cost.
Even more researchers have been looking at this since being shocked by that large marijuana study that showed no increased cancers and even a slightly protective effect.
I'd like to see Snus brought here as a form of quitting smoking and harm reduction. There are some American versions that call themselves snus but aren't made in that safer way nor do they measure and list the nitrosamines as they do in Sweden.
In joining European Union AND selling snus they had to provide much research about the impact on health. It does seem to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer (per one study) but other than that there are no health risks compared to non-smokers, not even in oral cancer. (American dip tobacco does i crease that risk)
We might like to just be rid of tobacco but in the meantime snus would not only be much better for those who used it to replace smoking...but it would be dramatically better for the rest of us and for children of the users. The savings in health care costs would be dramatic too.
So that's my story.
Had to tell it because tobacco gets a very bad rap and I'd like to see a push for Snus for public health reasons