Your Safety is Now Riding on a Severely Flawed $30-Million Cell Phone Study
You may be wondering why, if there is so much data showing the risks of cell phone use, no warnings are being made. First, the telecommunication industry is even BIGGER than drug industry, and they have far more influence in Washington.
This is compounded by the fact that a large percentage of retirement funds from several powerful lobbying organizations are invested in telecommunications.
Second, institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission have cautioned that conclusions about possible cancer risks from cell phones cannot be drawn until the INTERPHONE study is published.
The INTERPHONE Project -- a massive 13-country epidemiological study of tumors among users of mobile phones -- is already lagging years behind its scheduled completion date.
As Cell Phone Use Increases, So do Cell Phone Towers
The good news is that you can take steps immediately to reduce your radiation exposure from your own cell phone use.
Unfortunately, WI-FI is all around us, including in the form of cell phone towers that are now being placed on churches and even schools.
Municipalities can receive upwards of $1 million a year for allowing these antennas to be placed on water towers or near schools, often at the expense of residents’ health.
In Bayville, Long Island, for instance, it’s estimated that as many of 30 percent of teachers, staff and employees at a local school that is across the street from a water tower covered with cell phone antennas are suffering from illnesses such as cancer and leukemia.
Overall, it’s been estimated that living near a cell phone tower may lead to cancer rates that are up to 10 times higher than the national average!
These structures have also been found to interfere with bees’ ability to return to their hives, leading to a concerning disappearance of honeybees throughout the world, and causing the death of migratory birds.