If Uwe Reinhardt had misgivings about ferreting fraud and abuse out of the health care system, a cornerstone of the Medicare cost savings that will make the president's new system balance it's budget, it may not be tenable.
He is a long time proponent of creating a european-style healthcare system in the US.
http://www.pbs.org/healthcarecrisis/Exprts_intrvw/u_reinhardt.htmCynics may doubt the sincerity of these extensive efforts at avoiding fraud and abuse. As someone who has sat through many such audit committee meetings, I know otherwise.
Two troublesome facets of this problem, however, should be recognized by readers.
First, the regulations surrounding the rendering of health care services to the federal government are immensely complex. They seem to be based on the idea that every provider of these services is a latent crook.
A second problem faced by hospital executives is that they have only partial control over the costs they must book and for which they seek to get paid. The bulk of these costs are driven by the clinical decisions of physicians who are affiliated with hospitals and can use the hospital as a free workshop, so to speak.
How Much Fraud and Abuse Is There in U.S. Health Care?