Just heard Alan Grayson on DemocracyNow. Says we may get a vote on both the main health care bill and HR 4789 - Medicare You Can Buy Into Act. HR 4789 now has 81 sponsors (including Grayson) and over 37,000 people have signed the petition. I'm disappointed a million haven't signed yet, but its a start. For more information about HR 4789 - see www.WeWantMedicare.org
Hard to believe, but I also heard a wonderful explanation of why we need another option to the main health are bill from Arizona Republican Congressman John Shadegg:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCoWilXEysc He does seem to get why health care reform is needed, but hasn't co-sponsored HR 4789 (yet).
How do we get the number of 37,000 petition signers up to a million. I'm starting to run out of ideas.
- posted links from some of my websites
- setup www.WeWantMedicare.org
- setup the HR4789 Yahoo Group
- Posted info to the 16 health care reform yahoo groups I participate in across the country
- Called all of my state's congresspersons and asked them to support HR 4789 (2 are already co-sponsors)
What are we overlooking?