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Placebo Effects Revisited

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HuckleB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-10 11:58 AM
Original message
Placebo Effects Revisited
"In the Wall Street Journal last week was a particularly bad article by Melinda Beck about acupuncture. While there was token skepticism (by Edzard Ernst, of course, who is the media’s go-to expert for CAM), the article credulously reported the marketing hype of acupuncture proponents.

Toward the end of the article Beck admits that “some critics” claim that acupuncture provides nothing more than a placebo effect, but this was followed by the usual canard:

“I don’t see any disconnect between how acupuncture works and how a placebo works,” says radiologist Vitaly Napadow at the Martinos center. “The body knows how to heal itself. That’s what a placebo does, too.”

That is a bold claim, and very common among CAM proponents, especially acupuncturists. As the data increasingly shows that acupuncture (and other implausible treatments) provides no benefit beyond placebo, we hear the special pleading that placebos work also.

But is that true? It turns out there is a literature on the placebo effect itself, and the evidence suggests that placebos generally do not work.



So much for the vaunted placebo, and the use of it as a justification by CAM proponents.

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HuckleB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-10 10:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. I'm kicking this durned thread. It's a good piece, IMO!
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