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Joannie Rochette wonders why her mom didn't seek help

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polly7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 07:27 PM
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Joannie Rochette wonders why her mom didn't seek help
I know that many women suffer silent MI's, I wasn't aware though Mrs. Rochette had been having all sorts of symptoms. I hope Joannie can come to peace with the reasons why he mom chose to wait. It's got to be so difficult.

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Berry Cool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 09:42 AM
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1. Joannie will probably have a tough time with that because it's likely that her mother kept silent
because she didn't want to distract Joannie right before the Olympics. It's a shame.

Amazing that she had all these symptoms and wrote them down. My mother went the same way, at a much older age, but never had any symptoms, and she never smoked. I don't know whether that would be any comfort to Joannie, but it's true.
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hedgehog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 10:45 AM
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2. A lot of people are afraid of being seen as weak or lacking will power if they admit
to not feeling well. Lots of time the family culture puts pressure on people to be quiet.
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