You are responding to a vacuum of your own creation, and your little spin on denialism does not make a legitimate argument. Your post makes it clear that you don't understand the science, or you didn't read it. Either way, you have no excuse. All you offer are claims and questions with no basis. That ought to give you a clue that you're offering nothing but knee-jerk denialism for your own preconceived notions that you just don't want to give up.
BTW, as for as the logical fallacies of your argument go, I might as well start claiming that autism is all the mother's fault, and tell you to prove a negative. (Funny how we could figure out that was a ludicrous line of thought.)
Here's some more reading for you.,9171,1960277,00.html are easy to come by, but you have to understand what came before if you're really going to make legitimate hypotheses. You have not done that. You are simply doing the usual anti-vax routine of throwing any question you can come up with on the page. It doesn't have to mean anything. You just want to avoid letting go of your preconceptions.
Of course, there is also the reality that what pnwmom pushed is a long-standing repeat that has been shown to be baseless over and over again. Do you actually think that repeating nonsense will turn it into something meaningful?
Until you can offer more than ludicrous questions, perhaps you should spend some time educating yourself.
Unless you show me that you have done so, I won't be responding again.