And they are running out of antibiotics that are effective. Personally, I choose not to use them AT ALL. And we (my family and I) rarely get sick. I use therapeutic grade essential oils every day - I believe it is The Creator's answer to human's health support.
There are numerous studies out there on the effectiveness of essential oils against bacteria AND viruses (antibiotics basically have no effect against viruses). Problem is, nature cannot be patented, so it cannot be profited from, therefore, the powers that be debunk them. Oregano, thyme, lavender, basil, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemongrass - these are just a few off the top of my head that are the primary essential oils I diffuse, apply and inhale when I want to support my health (I have probably 150+ eo's and share my knowledge with others).
Because each season is different, soil minerals are different per crop, rain amounts different, etc., no two particular batches of essential oils have the same molecular makeup, and it is that DIFFERENCE that confuses the pathogens so they cannot build a resistance to them. Scientists keep trying to figure out what molecule "works", and pull that out so that they can duplicate it into a drug, but that will never work (in my opinion).
Do I think there is a place for antibiotics and western medicine? Of course, but I will say this, I have witnessed ALLOT and I mean allot of people improve with oils who could not be helped with antibiotics, and antibiotics aren't that effective anymore. Of course, America is the last to understand this - other countries have been using plant oils for ages.
Yet another reason I'm a liberal - we have to protect the rain forest and get the chemicals out of what we consume. The rain forest, plants and making better food choices hold the keys to our future health (in my opinion) in so many ways. - go there and search for "viruses and essential oils" for studies.
I'll get off my soapbox now :) thanks for indulging me!
Peace Luv and Health,