A lot of new ("new"??? Many of the "vote them all out!" Republicans are former members!) members of Congress got plenty of traction from the market-tested phrase "Repeal and Replace!"
However, when it comes to reality, how many people really like the concept of tearing something up and waiting for something better to "replace" what was "repealed"?
(I wonder how many Republicans would approve of repeal first and then replace the 2nd Amendment with a "better" worded amendment?)
How many people would be happy with "repealing" their house, only to not have anything to live in until the "replacement" is built?
My point is ... Republicans, before they can "repeal" the health care legislation
(which, by their flawed poll wording and logic, nobody's happy with ... just when you get into the why they aren't happy with, that's when it is apparent that people don't hate as much of it as the generic polls imply) ...
Now, the Republicans (and some Dems) are really good at conflating something into "the worst thing ever" to tear down whatever is proposed (hmm ... "death panels" anyone?).
Their attacks on the health care legislation are geared toward making sure that the screams about what "concerns" them are extremely loud. (If it wasn't "mandatory" that someone had to purchase health insurance, then they'd have someone lined up to loudly scream, in the "liberally-biased media", that people were getting something "for free" on the backs of "the working class").
So, with all the screaming about point A or point B in the legislation, then anything that they propose MUST BE PERFECT. No, I'm not saying that what they'll propose will be perfect, I'm saying that it has to please EVERYBODY. Nobody in their reasonable mind can complain about any detail of what they propose. If you consider Sarah Palin and her screams about "death panels" "reasonable", then you have a tough road ahead of you to achieve the "perfect" legislation. Far too many times have I heard that a proposal was "deeply flawed" (read: authored by a Dem), while the Republican "alternative" was "not perfect" ... whatever they submit ... IT HAS TO BE PERFECT.
So, demand PERFECTION ... there can be nothing found in their reform of the health care reform which is "bad". They've set the standards.
And don't repeal, until you have PERFECTION already voted in as it's "replacement".