I have a family member who is on SSD, and has Medicare. In addition, she has an insurance company which kind of "wraps around" that coverage... what's the term for that? They're the ones that provide the Part D, I believe, and in essence they act as her Medicare managers; she lists this company as her insurance rather than Medicare directly.
Anyhow, she was rather surprised when the monthly premium for this outfit dropped from $100 down to about $30, starting with the payment for January 2011.
She called them to see what was up. They said they dropped the cost to be "more competitive." My initial thought, of course, was that they must have been over-charging previously, if they can now afford to slash the price so much. But my second thought was: "I wonder if this is due to the health care reforms?" Her coverage itself remains the same -- actually a bit better than before -- so this is an unexpected, not insignificant windfall. I would certainly like to see the change NOT be reversed.
Does anyone know: would this premium reduction be because of "Obamacare"?