review is from: Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines: The Truth Behind a Tragedy (Hardcover)
I had the pleasure of thanking Dr. Wakefield, for his work on behalf of injured children, myself at the 2008 Autism One Conference in Chicago. I looked forward to reading the book but having heard Dr. Wakefield speak and reading numerous articles on the issue, knew that there would be no surprises for me inside.
Before ordering the book, I carefully read many of the positive reviews but ALL of the negative reviews and the related comments because I wanted to see it through the eyes of both sides.
I need to preface that I have read the Lancet paper several times. The conclusion never changes for me no matter how many times I read it in light of the accusations against Dr. Wakefield. In the Discussion section of the paper there is this statement "We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described" and the last paragraph of the study "We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. Inmost cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine."
Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues clearly NEVER said that the MMR was the cause of these children's autism. After reading the book and the timeline of events, it is clear that procedures were followed to the letter to provide clinical care to some very sick children and the findings were reported in an effort to move the discussion forward to help the Lancet 12 children, the many children who were presenting with similar symptoms and open the discussions for research so that more children would not suffer unnecessarily.
If you read the Lancet paper and this book and come to any other conclusion, you are reading with blinders on and an unreasonable bias.
I cannot thank Dr. Wakefield enough for his courage in this situation and for continuing to fight for the children in speight of the absolutely ridiculous charges against him and his colleague Dr. John Walker-Smith.
The book is excellent and meticulously written.
I hope that it will continue to open people's eyes to the issues of informed consent in the US vaccination policy and place a seed of doubt about the safety of vaccines in the mind of parents who have not yet vaccinated their children. I cannot tell my friends with new babies enough times, "Educate before you vaccinate, there are risks, and those risks DO NOT always outweigh the benefits."