"Scalia tells Michigan Law audience: 'Get over' Bush v. Gore, 2000 election . . .
Adam Henry
Jurist Legal News & Research
"As part of his two-day visit to the University of Michigan Law School, Justice Antonin Scalia lectured to a full house Tuesday on his philosophy of 'Constitutional Interpretation.' According to Knight Ridder coverage of the event, one audience member asked Scalia afterwards whether he would revisit his decision in
Bush v. Gore, if given the chance.
"His curt reply: 'I'm inclined to say it's been four years and an election. Get over it.'
"The associate justice last made headlines for a post-lecture comment, when, addressing the role of justices' personal views on social issues at Harvard Law School, he stated 'I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged.' 'But,' he added, 'it is blindingly clear that judges have no greater capacity than the rest of us to decide what is moral.' "
"(A)ny appointment of a federal judge during a recess
should be opposed, regardless of who they are or
it is Republican or Democrat. I commit myself now to
remember that when there is a Republican administration,
as well as a Democratic administration."
-- Trent Lott, on the Senate floor, December 15, 2000
(emphasis added by TaleWgnDg)
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