Clerks work to give public access to lawsuits, documentsThe crypt at Clark County District Court inched open this month as the public got its first glimpse of court records once considered to be permanently hidden.
Looking to correct mistakes dating back 18 years, District Court administrators have taken on the tedious task of unsealing lawsuits and civil court documents incorrectly sealed years earlier.
A team of courthouse clerks is expected to work overtime in the coming weeks to identify hundreds of civil court filings, sort dozens of lawsuits from other sealed civil filings, examine each sealed lawsuit document by document, reclassify the records sealed correctly and unseal those that never should have been hidden from the public.
"On the computer, you will be able to find all the things (about a sealed case) that you have been able to find for regular cases," Steve Grierson, assistant clerk of the court, said of the case summaries available on the courthouse computer system.
Las Vegas Review Journal Sealing court cases has always been a concern I had. How do you know what the ‘precedence’ is if cases are sealed?