JACKSON - The Innocence Project filed public records requests in Mississippi on Wednesday, seeking information about autopsies performed by state pathologist Dr. Steven Hayne, whose forensic work has come under fire.
The Innocence Project, a New York-based organization that does legal work on behalf of inmates believed to be wrongly imprisoned, sent letters to the director of the state crime labs and all 22 district attorneys in Mississippi.
The group wants documents prepared by Hayne, official reports of autopsies conducted by him, and time logs showing his presence in the crime labs.
They're hoping to produce evidence to support claims that Hayne's flawed work has sent innocent people to prison.
But District Attorney Ben Creekmore, president of the Mississippi Prosecutors Association, said he won't comply with the request. Creekmore said provisions of the state's Open Records Law prohibits the release of documents related to criminal enforcement or containing personal information about victims.
Commercial DispatchPathologist's compromised relationships with local DA's in the Bible-belt continues to surface, but quickly forgotten.