I found this while doing some searching on the fifth amendment. It's title has very little to do with why I find this article of interest. I'm not able to put it into words very well. But having gotten a driving license back in 1972, and experienced the "freedom" we had, and the subsequent ratcheting down into what we have today, I come away from this article with a newly found understanding of something that has been bothering me. Not just driving laws, but drug laws, and many other things, even unrelated to law. Just a sentiment in this country. One that is founded in fear and weakness. There is a basic concept about freedom that is in this writing that is controversial. That's partly why I'm posting it. But I think we've simply given away our freedom, and succumbed to a more or less authoritarian style of law. And after all we've let them have, are we any safer? All of the DUI's that are just barely over some limit. All of the pot smokers who just forgot to hide their pipe. Or even going three miles per hour over the speed limit. Anyways, I'm beat from a long day, and probably making nonsense. Read this. I think it's good. It flies in the face of what almost all of us have taken for granted as common sense.
"A drunk driver, while I don’t condone, support, or sympathize, is
still a person who has harmed no one. And being true to the foundational principles of law, it is
unlawful to cause this person injury through the use of the ‘common force’ that law represents when
that person has not harmed anyone. In doing so we are punishing someone because ‘they might be
going to harm someone’. How ugly can we be? How ugly that an ‘advanced civilization’ would
imprison someone because they might harm someone"