by Plain Dealer staff July 28, 2008 09:30AM
Categories: Top Story
FBI agents served multiple search warrants this morning at various Cuyahoga County offices and multiple residences as part of a public corruption investigation.
FBI cars were parked all around the county administration building as the searches began. A team of at least eight agents cordoned off employees on the third and fourth floors and had them fill out forms indicating their name, date of birth, address, social security number, department and duty.
Those employees were then sent home.
Sources said businesses and residences were searched in the county as well.
Councilman Cimperman's house badly damaged in fire by Donna J. Miller July 28, 2008 08:48AM
Categories: Top Story
Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman's house was nearly destroyed this morning by fire.
Police and firefighters were called at 2:20 a.m. to the 3050 block of West 12th Street, where the front of the house was engulfed in flames.
No one was injured.
Fire spokesman Larry Gray said the blaze may have been set. An arson investigation is under way...
Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman's House Suspiciously Catches Fire by Eugmc on July 28, 2008 - 9:42am.
Cleveland Councilman Joe Cimperman, who made headlines trying to unseat Dennis Kucinich from Congress in the primary election earlier this year, house caught fire in what investigators are calling suspicicus. The blaze started at about 2:30 this morning and caused $30,000 in damage. Cimperman, his wife, and one week old baby escaped injury in fire on in the Tremont neihborhood.
Members of the Cleveland Fire Department are labeling the fire suspicious because they found accelerant near the residence. Firefighters will continue their investigation of the fire today.