The police need to change their policies and approach when
deciding on who is violent and who is not. I have been saying
it for a long time that the police are needed to protect the
public but, not necessarily serve. However they are not to
project their personal and political views when determining
who gets tased and who doesn't. The mentality of the police
across the country as a whole is one of a gang which means
they are re active and not pro active when accessing these
types of situations. The policies and guidelines that they
have to follow when making these decisions need to be changed
to protect them as well as the public. There should be more of
an emphasis on the mental preparation of a police officer
prior to them engaging with the public as opposed to the
physical. The issues with tasers are that they do not for the
most part cause long term damage to a person physically but
they do mentally. The problem with that is, tasers are now an
instrument of mental terror that is being propagated against
the citizens of this country. It is not a stretch to calling
them a terrorist group who are committing acts of terrorism
against the people of this country. The reason that people do
not like the police is instead of helping a situation they
want to control it. Instead of listening to what the people
are telling them they want to find a way to lock them up. We
need the police to do their jobs but, not to go beyond their
job description. They do not need to play lawyer.