...how often I hear that special kind of ignorance around here, except most people around here mix in the disabled (those permanently unable to work) too as all being massive cheats**. I think a lot of it comes from our society's notion of what "disabled" means. All to often the word evokes images of people in wheelchairs or bed-bound. The reality is there are so many people with injuries and disabilities that just aren't apparent on the surface. I also think that in recent years the right wing has fostered a kind of envy of people getting workman's comp. or disability as part of their attempt at turning the lower and middle classes on each other so they're too busy fighting each other instead of fighting the real enemy.
**Note: I live in a
very rural area. Randi Rhodes on yesterday's show talked about her trip to northern rural Maine. One of her observations was that
everybody's sick. She's absolutely correct in that observation. In very rural areas everybody
is sick. They can't afford healthcare (hell, we have people out here that still heat with wood -- not because it's stylish, but because they can't afford oil or propane -- and depend on the deer and other critters they kill to eat during the winter) and usually by the time they do go to the doctor it's too late. I swear, people living in urban areas have no idea. It's like scenes out of Michael Harrington's The Other America (
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/068482678X). The thing is, our area didn't used to be like Appalachia. I grew up here. Yeah, it's always been poor but people used to get by. The scary thing -- they all vote straight republican.